View Full Version : Mad at myself

07-12-09, 17:42
I am logging in today after a long absence since I was feeling good and then all of the sudden I am a mess again. I have been having chills and really cold feet and hands for no reason. I have been freaking out about some GI issues and now I am can't stop worrying. My GERD is causing my pain in my chest and my IBS is giving my all kinds of lower GI pain. I have had blood work, a colonoscopy, an upper GI scope and a brain MRI all in the last few years and nothing is found. I am not sleeping well and I feel like I am going to lose my mind at any moment. Part of me is so scared about HA related stuff while I am so mad at myself for letting this disease back into my life. I guess I am needing reassurance that the physical is only HA while I try to get back to good place in my head. Good luck to all and any comments would be great.


07-12-09, 18:18

Sorry you are feeling down. I too am feeling terrible. I have been sick for a few days with cold symptoms and now nausea ( which frightens me cause I suffer with emetophobia). I am convinced I am coming down with swine flu even though I know deep down it is a bad cold.

I suffer from terrible Health Anxiety too and it seems once I do get an actual virus or something, the anxiety goes into full gear again. I was feeling good mentally for a while until now I have gotten sick.

You must realize there are many viruses going around this time of year and the more stressed and anxious we are, the weaker our immune system becomes. You must try and relax and take it easy so your body can recover. Stress is going to cause the flare ups of IBS and GERD.

Try not to google any symptoms either, I will be doing well with the anxiety and then ruin it by looking things up. Believe me, I know how debilitating health anxiety is, my entire family is in medicine and it makes things worse for me. Just try and relax and forget about your symptoms being a serious disease. If you keep focusing on bad scenarios it just spirals out of control and prevents you from getting well. Take care and hope you feel better soon.