View Full Version : I cant cope!!

07-12-09, 17:42
Im not usually a panicky type of person but I have so much to deal with right now I feel I cant cope!
Just briefly here is my situation.
My mum is seriously ill and Im having to obviuosly do as much as I can for her.
Im having to have a biopsy on my throat soon, thats really worrying me.
And to top it all off my two elderly dogs are poorly!
I just sat and cried the other morning, hubby isnt much help, hes not a sympathetic sort at all, I feel I need to speak to someone professional, where do I start?

07-12-09, 17:56
Hi K9, sorry to hear about all the problems you are having- this is a great website and you will find a lot of useful information on here.
First port of call should be your GP , he/she will be able to help you and can refer you to a counsellor if needed. I'm sure others will be along with advice soon in the meantime take care of yourself hun.

07-12-09, 18:26
Hi K9,
sorry to hear you're going through a bad time. I speak from experience when I say talking to someone (i.e. a counsellor) is a great help in times of trouble. You can either get referred to one through your GP or just go direct to a counsellor yourself privately (though this means you'll have to pay anywhere from £40-£60 per hour).

It really is good to talk. I hope things getter better for you soon!


07-12-09, 19:08
If you need to talk to someone immediately then please consider using help lines such as crisis or samaritans, they offer an immediate listening ear whilst you are waiting for your counselling.

Best of luck to you x

07-12-09, 20:25
If you need to talk to someone immediately then please consider using help lines such as crisis or samaritans, they offer an immediate listening ear whilst you are waiting for your counselling.

Best of luck to you x
Thanks for all your replies, its nice to know someone cares,
I darent talk to samaritans etc because to me thats a form of defeat, as I said I am usually able to cope with most trauma's in life, if it wasnt for my own unknown health issue I could probably cope a lot better!
I will try to get someone private to see me, perhaps a relxation group or something.
Thanks again.

07-12-09, 20:35

Sometimes when I read posts on here it makes my troubles pale into insignificance. I really feel for you - you're having a rotten time of it at the moment. No wonder you feel you can't cope. We'd all be the same. You've got an awful lot on your plate. Have you contacted social services about help with your mum? Surely they can offer some support. Even if you could get help with one situation it might make you feel a bit better. You need some T.L.C. yourself. I really hope you get some help. Please let us know how you are getting on. There will always be someone on here to listen if you need to talk. Take care.

07-12-09, 21:21
Just wanted to say hi and sorry you're having a rubbish time. I agree that going to your GP is a good idea.