View Full Version : Strategies for returning to work.

07-12-09, 19:14
HI all,

Im new to the forum so i apologise for if this has been asked already. Ive been off work for 6 weeks now- taken steps through GP and Councilling and am now managing on a day to day level and dealing well with new born son.

However, i tried to go back to work just for a meeting to ease myself in ready for a phased return in Jan. During the meeting i started to suffer a panic attack- all the discussion about statistics and targets got to me i suppose. I managed to calm down and apart from feeling silly to suffer in front of colleques, im worried about re-entering different stressful situations. Obviously i want to reintroduce these as im ready to add work back into my life. Just wondered if anyone had any tips or ideas about how i can deal with the feelings if they arise unacceptedly.

Many Thanks

07-12-09, 19:57

Congratulations on the birth of your son. My, looking after a baby is tiring!! It's many years since I've done that! It's good that you actually feel you are ready to return to work. I'd just say don't overdo it. You are only human. It's good that you are phasing your way back. Accept any help offered to you and don't take too much on. I wish you all the very best.

07-12-09, 20:11
i guess the issue i have is knowing how much is too much...im a perfectionist at heart and want to be the best i can. actually leaving part of my job to someone else eats me up as much as not doing any. thanks for message

07-12-09, 20:21
I know exactly where you are coming from because I am the same. Honestly though, you've got to accept help sometimes. It doesn't mean you're failing. Sometimes not accepting help and struggling on your own brings it's own problems. This happened to me and I now vow it won't happen again. We are all a number at work and really it's our health that comes first. I'm sure you'll get on fine.
Myra x