View Full Version : Why do I get pain after unusual movements

07-12-09, 22:05
Hard to explain in header but whenever I do anything slightly different physically then day later I get pain - I do have herniated discs in my spine in neck and lumbar spine and degenerative disc disease. Example is that I am in a pantomime this week and last night one of the cast during a song that was a rock and roll number grabbed me and started doing twist movements so i had to join in a bit - thought nothing of it but today I am getting a stabbing pain on left side of my waist at front and I am really stiff and sore when I try to turn my body left and right.
I worried all day about this stabbing pain - is it from my bowels or whatever and then suddenly remembered the few minutes of movements.
Trouble is this happens on an almost daily basis like sitting on a hard chair to long and next day have awful pain in legs and back pain or twisting round to talk to someone and then pain around ribs or in chest which freaks me and on and on. I see my Dr alot because of these pains and after loads of visits and tests nothing found. Of course I thing every pain is sign of something serious that needs investigating.

I know the constant anxiety will tense muscles etc and together with an already damamged spine probably answers all my questions but how can I ignore any of the pains in case?????

Elly 2
08-12-09, 08:24
Hi, I understand how you feel as I too suffer with chest pain not thought to be heart related but the fear is always there. If you have been diagnosed with spinal problems I would definitely think the pain is related to that, if normally you are not doing a lot of exercise then I would think that the twist movements you did would be the cause of the pain you are experiencing at the mo, probably muscles that haven't been used and muscle pain can be stabbing so try not to worry easier said than done I know but muscular pain can take a while to go. Hope this helps, take care Elly