View Full Version : the feeling of not being here ?????

07-12-09, 23:15
does anyone else have the feeling of not being real...

also when walking along the road or in the passanger side of the car i gaze out of the window and everything looks so unreal.. more so on like cloudy days and rainy days ? or is it just me :( xxxxxxxxxx

07-12-09, 23:23
Yes, I feel this too! Sometimes I feel woozy and detached from reality especially when I'm anxious then it's like peoples voices are coming from far away. I also feel like nothing means anything to me personally, everything that people say or do is of no consequence to me (like when they talk about thier kids or their next holiday) and the things I do like write poems or songs are of no consequence in the real world. I suppose that sounds sad but I'm hell bent on recovery now, come what may.

07-12-09, 23:27

thankyou so much for getting back to me .. its a horrid feeling but i even more sure i must get myself sorted now... this is just getting worse, all these people that say "pull yourself together " its just doesnt work....

i will do this xxxxxxxxxx

08-12-09, 00:12
it is called derealization/deperonalisation

08-12-09, 01:06
Nicola beat me to this one :) yeah its a very common feeling associated with anxiety ad depression, i get it a lot, its harmless but unpleasan for me, usually passes quickly but varies in severity. I think its a different feeling for everyone in my opinion and the varied descriptions of the sensation, but they are all the same thing really.

08-12-09, 12:29
I have experienced this also. It is a real strange detached calm feeling, it's possibly the minds way of protecting itself by separating itself from the emotion of the moment. It passes, I usually wake up the next day and it is gone. Though I find their is still a vague memory of it, like looking back on how you were and seeing it as someone else.