View Full Version : some reassurance please:(

07-12-09, 23:19
I do not travel at all if I can help it and havent been on a train for 10 years or more, but at the weekend for my birthday have promised my daughters and partners we will go to london for the weekend.

I have been stressing since my partner booked the hotel and now have a terrible feeling in my throat all the time. I did have it before, but not all the time, now I feel I am choking, have pressure on my throat etc etc.

I have the rescue remedy ready and am trying so hard to work on myself, but I feel like screaming inside:(

Can anyone offer me any reassurance or tips to help?

many thanks

Veronica H
07-12-09, 23:41
:bighug1:Don't let this anticipatory anxiety spoil your birthday. I went up to London a few months ago for the first time since my panic anxiety was diagnosed (over two years ago now) and like you worried about it a great deal before hand. I thought the train would be a big challenge but it wasn't. I took my ipod, and book with me as a distraction. I also carry my bottled water as my mouth gets dry if I am anxious. Be honest with everyone about your anxiety, and let them know how you are feeling. Ask for a bit of time out if you need a rest when you are there.
You can do this and you will be so happy that you did. let us know how you get on.:hugs:Veronicax

08-12-09, 00:54
thank you so much for your reply veronica:) I too carry water or a coke with me as coke does tend to make me burp and for a second relieves my anxiety (weird!!). I have been looking thru the forum about the throat thing and it looks like it is quite common. The worst thing for me is letting my daughters down. They dont travel because of me, we dont go out because of me etc etc. They are adorable and know about my problem and look after me, but I so want to do this for them. Thank you and it means alot. Sallypxxx

08-12-09, 16:48
If you have an ipod or similar, perhaps try downloading some relaxation exercises to listen to (there are tons of free ones out there, just google for something like "relaxation podcast" etc.), or maybe things like news podcasts or books to listen to and keep you distracted from your anxiety? Or bring something to do with your daughters to keep you engaged with them, like a game or planning what you are going to do on your trip and when you get home?

08-12-09, 23:03
have an mp3 and depending on my level of anxiety it may work, but when its too bad I just cant focus on anything as the fear is so bad. I have been working on my throat problem today and trying not to wear the scarf I have been living in for the last month. It seems to have helped wearing it a little and I dont get the choking sensation so much. I have also been smothering my throat in vick as that too seems to have helped. The girls are a great help to me, but I just want to do this and be strong on the way there and back. Thanks Mander :) xxx