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View Full Version : Xanax Withdrawl

28-01-04, 23:09
I've recently been tapering off my daily dose of Xanax as I felt it wasn't doing me any good at all,I was still anxious and was feeling very obsessive? peculiar.I've been taking it for around 4 weeks at .25 mg 3 times a day,for the last week I've taken it once a day in the morning with my Efexor and noticed a dramatic improvment in my mood. So on Tuesday I didn't take it at all and felt very physically anxious ,trembling,breathing problems but my mood was still very good,Is it possiible I may be suffering withdrawl symptons as I've never felt anxious and pyschologically stable at the same time? Sorry if this seems rambling or over long but I would greatly appreciate any personal experience.

Thanks in advance.

29-01-04, 21:55

I am sure Meg will add her advice but yes it could be possible that you are suffering withdrawal. You do need to reduce these things quite slowly I think.

Hope you feel better soon.


30-01-04, 17:27
Yes come off as slow as possible


04-02-04, 00:12
Hi Brian,
I used to be on the same dosage of xanax as you were, and you are definitaly not supposed to be taking 3 a day everyday and your doctor should'nt have prescribed you to do so, being that it is such an addictive drug.
I found that xanax did help me but only for a couple of hours and then i would be at square one again. I am now on a new form of xanax it is called xanax xr , 1 pill lasts all day long it has seemed to help me very very much. I am very scared that when i feel strong enough to get off of the medication i will go through horrible withdrawels. But with any med you take for a bit of time you will always go through withdrawel. Hope I helped a bit.
I hope you are feeling better soon!