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View Full Version : Trying to switch from Diazepam to Atenolol

08-12-09, 06:15
I am trying to switch from Diazepam as I am scared of getting addicted to it. Now I have been taking 50 mg of Atenolol ( abeta blocker) and it is working okay. However I had a small panic attack today. How long does it take until the Atenolol kicks in. SHould I take the diazepam parallel to the Atenolol and gradually taper off the Diazepam

09-12-09, 20:40
What did your doc. advise ? you should check with him/her first but I think I'd favour staying on both for a week or so while you get used to the Beta blocker, then gradually tapering off the Diaz.
I don't know what dose Diaz. you're on but the general advice is to taper off of it very very slowly,unless you're on a low dose and not been taking it for long.
