View Full Version : Hi

18-11-05, 18:35
Hello everyone
Just a quick hi and to let you know I'm ok.
It was four weeks yesterday that we lost Reece but it some ways it seems like yesterday and in other ways, seems a lifetime ago. I had an appointment at the hospital on Tuesday, to get my results and the results from the post mortem. The baby had nothing at all wrong with him, so that makes it harder to understand why it happened and luckily there was nothing wrong with me. Apparently,. the constultant said there could have been all sorts of things wrong and they tested for loads of things and at least I could take that as a positive for everything that I have been through. He sees no reason why we shouldn't try again and he said he would monitor me throughout the early months, as they should have done this time. I am thinking of taking it further with the hospital because even my consultant said it wasn't good. (I am seeing a different consultant to the one I saw whilst still pregnant).

We have got the babies 'goodbye' next Friday and the Vicar came round this afternoon to talk about the ceremony. In some ways I'm dreading it, but know we have to do it. Some of our friends are coming this time but I'm scared I will be scared to show my emotions in front of them, which is really silly, because I am really close to all of them and they will be there to support us. I am having a Mariah Carey and Boyz to Men played in the church, called One Sweet Day. It is a lovely song and if you haven't heard it, download it and listen to it on the internet.

In genereal, I am doing ok. I am still getting the missed beats and at times feel really down, but that is only to be expected. It seems like not much is going right for us again. My business has slowed down to me barely taking anything each week and I am really beginning to worry, but from what I've heard most retail shops are struggling. As this is my only income it is worrying, I can't even pay my suppliers at the moment.

Anyway, enough doom and gloom. Hope you are all ok.

Take care,
speak to you soon,
Love Linda.xxx

18-11-05, 18:47
Hi Linda, lovely to hear from you, try not to worry about next week, people will be showing their emotions it is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. It is a bad time of year for buisnesses at the moment.
There isnt really a lot I can say but just want you to know Im thinking of you and take care,

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

18-11-05, 18:52

Lovely to hear from you and glad you're ok.

You have a good bawl , there is nothing wrong with that at all.

You take each day as you can Lin.

We are thinking of you ..

Meg xx

18-11-05, 23:39
Thinking of you Lin.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

18-11-05, 23:53

I have followed your progress through this from being pregnant and so excited to losing the baby and I was so sad for you and really felt for you.

I can't even imagine what you are going through as I have never even been pregnant let alone losing a baby but I wanted to say that I am sending you loads of hugs and I wish you all well with the burial.

Sorry it came to this Lin but wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and always here if you need to talk.

I hope it goes perfectly for you all and will be thinking of you



Sue K with 5
19-11-05, 01:28
Hi Lin

I am so glad your having a ceremony for the baby, I think this will help so much with the grieving process!

My thoughts and prayers will be with you and I am sure everyone from here will be thinking of you as well!

I think you have shown so much strength during this time and you will get stronger slowly each passing day

Take Care


21-11-05, 11:27
Hi Linda

I'm glad your not doing to bad, it's going to be an awful time for you this week i'm thinking of you don't be scared to show how you feel in front of your friends it's only natural to feel like that after what you've been through.

I will be thinking of you and wish you well for you and your family.

take care
linda xx