View Full Version : i can't go on like this

08-12-09, 10:03
hi went to doctors again due to me feeling so bad with ectopics,chest pain ,etc. Obviously this gets me down as i have had these symptoms for years had all tests, saw top bupa cardiologist he said i'm ok. But i still think i have heart problems. My doctors have had enough my doctor did not even listen to my heart just said there is nothing wrong with my heart and prescribed me Mirtazapine which are anti depressents. I tried to explain that the reason i'm down is because of the pains and ectopics and the fear i'm going to die. But he said the depresseion/anxiety is causing these symptoms. Everyone is so fed up with me i'm driving my family up the wall my mother in law said i need something to occupy me. My husband said i need to buck my ideas up but i do try but as soon as i have an ectopic or chest pains i'm in complete turmoil. Maybe my husband wants someone who is happy, i really do try but its such a struggle. I'm worrying that everyone will get so fed up with me that they will leve me please help i just dred everyday when i'm alone.:unsure:

08-12-09, 19:55
Hi, it can get to be a catch 22 when worrying gives you chest pains, you end up worrying even more. I know this all too well. The thing to do generally is to ignore any symtoms and carry on regardless. Easier said than done I know. Are the anti-depressants helping? They help me, even just the reassurance of carrying them with me is a help.

08-12-09, 19:58
same year i have pain in the back and hips ,2 days ago i went out hill walking with a friend ,with in 10 mins the pains had gone .now today i am in the house doing nothing they are back,i have had pains in the chest ,guts and almost every part of my body.what i find is that ,what ever illness i think i have at the time,is , we think so hard sometimes,we force our self to have the pain. try to think about something else and do something diffrent so your mind won't no what to a change in a rooteen confuse's the focas of the mind ,take care

08-12-09, 20:07

If only it was easy to "buck our ideas up"!! I know how you feel. Ectopics are really horrid. I don't get chest pain with them but I still get them a lot. I feel it's almost as if once your heart gets into this rythym then it's difficult to get out of it because it can go on for years for some people. I do think occupation helps. When they start you should just try and carryon with what you were doing. Don't let them put you off or they only get worse. I still get them months on and I'm sick of them but they just refuse to stop so I'm trying to accept them and live with them if that's the only way. It's okay for doctors to say they're harmless - it'd be a very different story if they had them!!! Please try not to be scared of them. As long as you have been reassured by your doctor that your heart is healthy then that's a relief. But I agree - they are rotten!!! :hugs:

12-12-09, 11:08
I too have had ectopic heart beats and chest pain, arm pain and jaw pain - you name it, I've had it practically every day but I'm still here writing a response to you. I do worry about mine also. My father had to have a triple heart bypass at age of 53 though he smoked for many years. I'm 33 now and I've socially smoked but that's it. I drink alcohol very rarely. Even diet coke gives me palpitations. Propranolol made me feel worse, just very slow and very relaxed but far too slow.

I have an underactive thyroid also which isn't the best but my doctor too feels I just have anxiety. I don't see the point in going to doctor anymore because they just sit there and give you that look as if "here she does again" - problem is, I think mine is angina but when I was referred to cardiologist, he just did a flat line ECG which unless I'm having angina pains at the time it's done, it wouldn't show up anyway. He just told me to become more active and start enjoying life.

I thought to myself "these people just miss the point - I wish I could enjoy myself - I would enjoy myself if I didn't have irregular heart rhythms, chest pain, left arm pain and jaw pain ffs!!!!

Funny how I never used to be anxious and worry about my health until I started having these pains and I'm sure that if these doctors had these pains, they would be worried too!!!

Hope yours and mine settle xxx

12-12-09, 11:19
I know how you feel hun as i feel the same way. My family just take the mick and roll their eyes when i complain, my chest hurts, my arms hurt etc... and i get worried my boyfriend will leave me because im no fun any more. i never want to go out for nights out at the weekend and even though he says he doesnt mind, i suspect he does. im going to his works christmas party next weekend which im absolutely dreading. Il be expected to drink which i rarely do anymore and so many strangers too but i dont want to let him down :(.