View Full Version : Citalopram and tiredness

08-12-09, 10:29
been on this med for a week and half and feel really tired and no energy? Will this change as it's making me feel a little deflated just now esp as near Xmas and I have lots to do!

08-12-09, 10:51
Hiya,i have been the same on citalopram,only been on them a week,but also i was same before took the medication,hoping my energy will come back soon.

09-12-09, 00:26
Hi I feel exactly the same. I'm being presurised at work to go back and I'm on the waiting list for counselling through my doctor. My moods are very up and down but I think this is a result of things that have happened to me that make me see the worst in a situation. However, I have gone to the doctor and she has given me these. I've taken my first one today and I dont like it. I feel the side effects are there because its not something thats natural to our bodies, tiredness, nausia, dizzyness etc and I know its not me being paranoid I'm having side effects already went for a 3 hour sleep earlier! I know some people generally need these to cope but I feel that its also easily given to people who should generally be feeling emotional for a reason and dealing with the issues, not our reactions! We are human and live in a cold and messed up world. I dont need these, and in no way am I patronising anyone, thank you for all the feedback but I dont think I'm clinically depressed and think I can sort out my issues through speaking and my life style. Good luck everyone :yesyes: xx

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the more glory in overcoming it".