View Full Version : ha back with a vengance

08-12-09, 13:17
i thought i was doing so much better lately since i stopped the booze, but my anxiety and health anxiety has come back worse than ever now, its been nearly 16 weeks since i touched a drop and im never going back down that road but at the moment im feeling so unwell with dizziness, feeling sick, breathlessness etc im convinced ive got something terrible wrong with me , when im in bed at night and lay on my left arm it really hurts and aches for hours afterwards , dont want to feel this bad again , was told most of my anxiety was due to drink but how could it be when this long after ive stopped i feel worse than ever sorry for the moan

08-12-09, 13:29
hi armada i was free of anxiety for months like you is back i hate it it makes you feel like your not human so i can sympathize with you love xxxxxxxxxxx

08-12-09, 13:31

You have absolutely no need to appologise :hugs:

I think when it comes to anxiety, when we have suffered for so long with it, it is more than likely A. going to take time to recover both psyically and emotionaly B. take time to re-adjust to a whole new different lifestyle.

It WILL get better hun. It's a long haul for you but it will be so worth it.
I wish there was more i could say to help but i do want to congratulate you because that was a damn hard thing you done and a brave journey to take.

Big hugs


08-12-09, 16:12
Hi Amanda, you've been through such a lot and no wonder you still feel anxious. It was such a huge step you took that you're probably still feeling the after effects from it. You'll definitely get there. This is a setback through which you'll recover again, I'm sure. I'd also ask your doctor for some help, please don't struggle alone. You've achieved so much and deserve all the help and support you can get.

08-12-09, 19:41
thank you all of you i cant thank you all enough for the kindness you have shown me since i gave up the drink ,it probably is just a minor setback i hope just was floating now im not again hate it , id never of come this far without you all so thank you again