View Full Version : Heavy Period Again.

08-12-09, 14:34
3 Days Ago ..

I came off my 10 day period, and now im back on it again. Heavier than ever :weep: I dont know what to do..

08-12-09, 14:44
Hi Ruby

I have just stopped a period that I had for nearly 2 and a half weeks. Mine was due to recently starting a contraceptive pill that didn't work for me. I came off that one, had a 4 day break (in which time, I had the period from hell!) and am on the 4 day of taking a new type of pill. I have finally stopped bleeding.

I notice from previous posts that you say you have the contraceptive implant and also have borderline thyroid problems. Both of these can cause menstrual problems and/or breakthrough bleeding.

Make sure you book an appointment with your doctor as she may need to change your contraception or look at your thyroid again. I have certainly learnt over the last few months (years actually since having my 3rd child seemed to upset everything!!) that the hormone balance is so delicate and can be very easily upset.

I don't think you need to worry about this being anything dreadful but it is not nice for you and you need to get it sorted out so that you can feel better.

Take care

miss diagnosis
08-12-09, 14:48
When I first started on the pill i used to get 2 periods a month
It took ages to adjust. If your not on the pill id recommend it cos my periods used to be so heavy Id pass out. Also after i had my baby I bled for 10 weeks straight really heavily..doc gave me progesteone tablets and that sorted that out.