View Full Version : Swine Flu 11 Days In

08-12-09, 17:05
I started to feel ill after my Birthday (27th November). It's now 11 days later and I'm still ill.

The vomiting has stopped but the general feeling of sickness is still there.

I was given Tamiflu but only took it for 3 days. I felt like they were tripping me out.

Been taking lemsips and eating toast.

Today my chest has been tight.

Smoked very little during the last 11 days. Had afew panic attacks.

Anyone else have it for longer than 7 days ?

08-12-09, 17:10
Hi Dave

People that i know who have had it have had it for over two weeks.
It really does sound a horrible thing to have and i wish you a very speedy recovery.


08-12-09, 17:15

It sucks !

Agoraphobia has nothing on the flu lol. I haven't had it for years so it's all a big shock.

Just want it to bugger off before xmas.

08-12-09, 17:26
soory to hear your not well hope your good for christmas

claire m
08-12-09, 19:22
hi dave i had it and was in bed for 2 weeks but it was 3 weeks until i was feeling myself again. just get plenty of rest and drink plenty xxx.

10-12-09, 09:31
I'm experiencing alot of panic with this flu. I never felt this jittery before.

I was worried because they say you should start to feel better after 7 days but its now been 14.

Got the Goverment Doctor coming today to asses my benefit claim and i feel sick as a parrot.


Hate this.

claire m
10-12-09, 19:13
hi dave i did too i was in a constant state of panic i know its difficult but try to feel reassured that if anything serious was going to happen it would of by now im sure. And honestly the fatigue i felt from the flu was crippling and it really did knock the stuffing out of me.
I would maybe phone your gp and ask for a telephone appointment and explain how you feel if they think you warrant a visit they will call or if you are able they will maybe see you at the surgery. Sometimes just abit of professional reassurance is what we need.
Try to eat something with alot of protein in like eggs and chicken as the protein is really good for the immune system and avoid dairy as it clogs it all up apparently.
Just hang in tight and just take as much rest as you need.
claire xx.

11-12-09, 12:26
Thanks for the advice Claire.

I hate how up and down this is. I woke up this morning thinking I was getting better so I made a half hour phone call to order a new bed.

Almost straight away after hanging up, I had loud ringing in my right ear and I felt so weak and confused. Panic set in and i'm still dealing with it now.

It's not just normal panic either. It's almost like silent panic ? I can't think or anything. Everything feels alien and wrong.


My prozac has become irregular aswell with me taking it every other day. That might be causing me panic aswell.

11-12-09, 13:15
Hi Dave, i know how you feel i am exactly the same right now only im in my 5th week, of so called flu, and the silent panicking you mentioned yes i can relate to that and im really scared, ive not slept for the last 2 nights and before this flu thing i didnt have any panic attacks, so im guessing it may be due to the illness whatever it is, and i just wish it would sod off, im also paranoid why its lasted so long as i find this unusual which in turn is making me more panicky. hope you get well soon
love and light

11-12-09, 14:01
Hi Dave, I have a friend and although she had swine flu for 2 weeks - the after effects she said went on for weeks. She is fine now

claire m
11-12-09, 15:06
gillian I too worried about why it was lasting so long and had a blood test 4 weeks in as i was convinced it couldnt just be flu but it was there in plain type influenza A.
the 2009 swine flu is a new mix and most people have no immunity to it what so ever and for some unfortunatley when it hits it really hits hard.

Dave i really felt off balance with it and just one small sensation anything really woulds set my panic off. I remember reading some of your blogs and if i remember rightly you suffer with agorophobia (please correct me if im wrong xx.) I do also and i wont lie it did knock me off my recovery and with panic i get the dizzies so mixed with flu it was a killer for me.

if you want to chat anytime send me a pm. xx.