View Full Version : If You(r) Using/Used Antidepressents Please Help

08-12-09, 17:23

Whoever has been on anti depressents or fluoxetine and got off it in the past please can you reply telling me what it was like and how it was for you.

Im coming off my after christmas and im getting really distressed about it. Everyone is saying its going to be a really hard time for me and they are concerned, which is making me panic and i lay awake late everynight worrying about this. Im really SCARED.

So please.. even if you on antidepressents and you have any idea or knowledge of coming off them or any help for me i could really use it.

Ruby xo

08-12-09, 17:45

I can't stress enough how important it is to do this gradually.
If you just stop taking them then yes you will get pretty bad side effects.
Talk to your gp and i am sure he will reduce your dose and advice you on the best way to do this.

Take care

08-12-09, 17:46
The safest way to avoid bad withdrawals is to do it very slowly .This gives the body time to adjust ,You may get dizzy spells and head zaps .These will pass and will not be so bad if you cut down slowly .Some people dont feel bad at all ,but its better to play it safe .luv Sue xx

08-12-09, 17:55
I stopped Prozac cold turkey - not recommended at all!!!

I was fine after 2 weeks of just feeling a little dizzy.

Do it slowly and under docs advise.