View Full Version : headaches

08-12-09, 17:49
I don't know if anyone could help. I have been fighting anxiety/depresssion
for 14 weeks after receiving some bad news on holiday.
Recently, I have been getting a lot of headaches.
Seems to be related to stress. Lot of problems at present with teenagers.
My anxiety seems to build up through the day, leading to these dull headaches. Don't really want to take too many painkillers.
I am on 30mg of Mirtazapine at present, and have been for three weeks.
Could these be med related or anxiety related? Am I worring too much.
Has anyone had this? Paracetamol don't seem to help except at night.
I have to see my GP in two days and I don't want him to up the dose, would rather come off the meds if possible since they won't take the real stressors away.

10-12-09, 19:33
Headaches can be caused by many things. I've always been prone to headaches (genetic link - thanks Mum!) but since developing problems with anxiety, I've got better at noticing subtle differences meaning I can treat them better.

I find, at the moment, my most frequent headaches are like a dull ache, almost like a band is round my head, sometimes neck ache as well. I've concluded that these are caused by tension. If I have one I try a warm, relaxing bath. Paracetamol does nothing for my headaches if taken on their own. I've recently discovered Syndol which are specifically for tension headaches as it contains a mild muscle relaxant. I've found these quite good. I've read that warmth is the best way to treat tension headaches, or the affected muscles that cause the headache, but strangely I quite often like a cool flannel on my forehead for a while...dunno wot that says about me?! You can also buy Forehead strips which you stick to your forehead and they have a cooling, menthol action. Menthol is good for headaches apparently but I can't remember the science behind it.

Good luck. If you want anymore advice from a headache pro, feel free to PM me!:yesyes:

10-12-09, 19:41
Thanks Anna
That info helps :)

11-12-09, 10:07
Hi ya Steve, I was dosed with headaches every day for nearly 4 months. Somedays bad others just a general feeling of a knot on the left side of my head. I cannot stress how much having a massage has helped me, find a good massage therapist and even after the first session you should find relief. All the tension builds up in our back and neck muscles which cause the headache (assuming that your doc has put headaches down to tension). After the first one headache got worse for a few hours (which she told me it would) but then I got relief for nearly two weeks. So I try and go every two to three weeks for now until most of the knots in my muscles are released.
Hope you find something that works.