View Full Version : lymphoma at 17? unlikely i know...but still...

18-11-05, 20:40
well it's been a while since i've been to these forums, and i guess you could say that's a good thing. i've been on 20 mg of celexa for about 2 months and things have gotten much better since i started it! i feel like me again, and although i don't like to endorse anti-anxiety drugs, this has really worked. anyhoo, i've had swollen glands in my neck for about 2 months, including one m&m-sized lump under my chin. It hasn't gotten any bigger or smaller for that matter, but when i squish around in my neck with my fingers, i feel a lot of these, but are a bit smaller. My mom has told me over and over again that you don't get lymphoma when you're 17, but i'd rather be sure than risk being some random and tragic case. Maybe i'm overanalyzing again, but does anyone else have big lymph node(s) that don't really get bigger or smaller? btw this is hard but isn't sensitive to the touch. One last thing, i'm in perfect health, so I know that this isn't a result of a cold or the flu.

19-11-05, 00:08
It's great to hear you are doing so much better. I've wondered about celexa for myself and have thought about asking my GP about it. Did you experience any side effects? Anyway, about the glands in your neck, usually(not always) lymphoma is not painful to the touch. What is though are viruses that don't necessarily make you sick but can enlarge the lymph nodes and make them tender. Sometimes being caused by the Epstein Barr virus, for instance Mono. A simple CBC blood test will show if you have elevated white blood cells, and lymphocytes which can be indications for further testing. I think you have a legitimate complaint but I doubt very seriously it is something as serious as lymphoma. Hope this helps.
Good Luck,

19-11-05, 12:56
Yes some people to have nodes in their body which are bigger than other nodes, and some people have nodes in their body which are permanently enlarged if only slightly and this is nothing to worry about.... Your doctor would be able to tell you with palpation whether your node felt the way a node should do if its healthy and doing its job, this is nice and round and smooth and firm, remember that our bodies are mot symetrical and therefor we have things on one side bigger than the other, go see your doctor, get your node palpated and get your bloods checked.... only to alley your anxiety, a simple blood test will put your mind at ease

I just want my life back

20-11-05, 19:21
anybody else got any advice? nell really helped, momof2 kinda made it worse, but thanks for trying anyway [:o)]

20-11-05, 19:37
I have got one of those lumps as well and I can feel that it is hard and squish it around. However I do have a sore throat at the moment so I am not surprised it is there.

Sorry I can't be of any more help. Have you seen a doctor atall?


20-11-05, 19:49
If they have been up and larger than usual for 2 months then it is wise to get them looked at.

I've not got lymphoma in mind but some much more common and transient complaints.

I think Mum has a valid point - mono is far more common in your age group than lymphoma, but you don't say that you're feeling ill with these glands and a single symptom means nothing medically, its the whole clinical picture that gets assessed.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-11-05, 03:13
Oh sweetie I'm so sorry,
I never intended to make your worries more concerning, I just wanted you to know there are very many things (non-life threating, I might add) that cause enlarged lymph nodes not only things as serious as cancer. My brother for instance, had enlarged lymph nodes in many parts of his body was caused by a virus, but he never felt sick. Also talked to a friend just recently about her 4yo with the exact symptoms and again was caused by a virus. Only your doctor can determine the exact cause and I'm sure a visit to him will settle your mind. Again I'm sorry to cause more concern. I certainly know how a person with anxiety (such as myself) can worry over things.

Terri Lynn

22-11-05, 04:55
sorry momof2, i didn't mean to offend, i was just a bit upset at the time i posted that. i know you were trying to do all you could to help, and funnily enough, i noticed today that the offending lymph node is now about 1/2 the size it used to be! what a coincidence :D

23-11-05, 16:03
No offense taken, hon. I'm glad to hear the nodes are shrinking that's a great sign.:) Hope all is well and you have a wonderful thanksgiving.
Terri Lynn

24-11-05, 07:55
Your lymph nodes swell for all kinds of reasons from having a few bad teeth to ear problems are the most problem with them in your neck and as well in your arm pits etc i wouldnt worry to much!!!They can even get big in the growing area as well just from a simple cat scratch are cut!! i have had my swell in my arm pit and in my neck and my growing and they went back down after awhile if they are hard and hurt a warm wash cloth helps with the pain..See i was in your boat about ten years ago when mine was sore and hard in my growing area for a month and with my axiety i have i freaked out thinking i had somthing bad like hiv are cancer but all in all it was just from a simple cut!!!Your left side of your lymph nodes are always bigger than your right so keep that in mind as well...

25-11-05, 15:09
forrest....i would like to thank you for indirectly helping me too...ive suffered badly from stress and anxiety for the past 2.5 yrs after the loss of my mum.
ive visited my osteopath today who commented on my lymph nodes being slightly swollen.....i started to worry...silly i know...especially as i know ive been really run down lately plus ive had some sickness bug over the past week....why is the power of the mind soooo powerful?....it frustrates me so much...everytime i get some new symptom i panic and fear the worse...:(

26-11-05, 15:56
OK, I had a bad flu and a few things years ago. Mine went large and then back down again but two have stayed larger than they used to be. (in my neck)
Still larger and noticable than they used to be. I am fine and ntohing wrong. I think sometimes they increase from a problem (even the flu) and never go back down. I am proof of that but I dont have anything wrong - it is just them..

Hope that helps you.

26-11-05, 18:14
Stress can put a very big toll on your body and iam a key example in my mind iam dying of liver problems even though my blood tests ultrasounds hida scan all are normal even with my gi doc telling me everytime my liver is fine!!!But for me i cant beleave him my bowells are all messed up but stress can do a toll on your imune system!!And your lymph nodes are you defence against all kinds of bugs and when your stressed you are more common to catch the flu etc more than a person that isnt as stressed as we are you can do a simple cbc blood test just to see how things are going in your body and if that does come back fine i wouldnt worry to much i had my white blood cells hi for over a month and then they finely went back to normal!!See my doctors say whats bad for me is that i know to much when it comes to like blood test etc i know in the U.S thats is why we are short handed in nurses becase as they start to learn on how to become a nurse they learn on all kinds of deases etc and about half of them think they might have a dease half of them drop out with axiety type illness but all in all your right the mind is a powerful thing but at your age you shouldnt be worring so much you should be out doing what 17 year olds do have fun!!!!

27-11-05, 08:17
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Your left side of your lymph nodes are always bigger than your right so keep that in mind as well...

<div align="right">Originally posted by Forrest - 24 November 2005 : 07:55:39</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

where did you learn this? i've never heard about the left side being naturally bigger than the right side before [?]

28-11-05, 05:37
I know from med books and my doc!!! about the left side always being bigger!

19-08-08, 08:39
I have had the same fears for about 8 months now- I had a blood test and had my nodes palpated- doctor says it's nothing, but I have regular bouts of imaginary lymphoma, paranoid self palpation and so on. (have also had bowel cancer for a couple of days and ovarian cancer periodically) It's comforting to hear that I'm not the only one! I don't know what causes these bouts of terror but I would like to do something about them.

19-08-08, 09:21
As Meg says, a good idea to go to the doctor's and get some blood tests if you've had swollen glands for a while but if you have no other symptoms then it's unlikely to be anything too serious. Most likely a low-grade infection that will clear up by itself.

Try not to poke and prod the poor little things too much :) - as well keeping your mind on them, it will make them sore and may even keep the swelling up.

19-08-08, 11:26
I thought that I might be able to reassure you as I have just got back from an ENT surgeon due to a couple of lymph glands causing me anxiety....

I asked him when it was time to worry with regards to lymph glands - he said firstly they would take into account the history - and the fact that you have not lost weight (without trying to) and by weight loss, they mean dramatic - like half a stone in two weeks or so.., you don't have night sweats, recurrent infections and fatigue and general 'malaise'.... The lump is not over 2cm in size and is not steadily growing larger (in fact, you have said it has got smaller) and the fact that you are young helps!

I have one in my neck - that just has not gone away - it's referred to as a 'shotty lymph node' - this means that it swelled to fight some kind of infection and never returned to it's normal size.

The ones under your jawline - normally relate to the salivary glands and the head - so a scratch, a spot or even a mouth ulcer could cause them to come up. Also, from what I gather teenagers and children are prone to increasing/decreasing lymph glands due to growing etc. and they are therefore less cause for concern. Also lymph glands can take up to a month/six weeks to return to their normal state...

BUT, if I haven't convinced you, then go to your GP - get it checked and ask for a blood test - take your Mum with you if you like and she can ask for it! I have to say though, and of course I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that you're ok! The anxiety makes us check things that the average person wouldn't even notice.....
