View Full Version : Blood in stools now I'm getting a colonoscopy/flexible sigmoidoscopy!

08-12-09, 20:26
I get a bit of blood in my stools or on toilet paper sometimes, not everytime. It's not very much and it's bright red. I'm 20 years old. I assumed it was piles but got referred to check it out. The doctor said he couldn't see piles or anything so he's referred me for this flexible sigmoidoscopy which is basically a colonscopy of the lower bowel. I'm worried though that my health anxiety may have blown this way out of proportion. I'm worried this procedure will be more dangerous than my actual problem. I'm not sure just reading about the procedure has frightened me and I don't want there to be any risks. Do you reckon the blood could be attributed to very small piles that the doctor couldn't really see?

08-12-09, 21:15
I had a sigmoidoscopy as I had continous bleeding piles.

I was later diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

I am not saying that this is the outcome for you as well but they can tell a lot by doing the procedure and looking at the colon.

The procedure is not very nice but the risk of any damage to the bladder or colon is very very rare and it is best you get it checked out.

At the same time as having the sigmoid done I had the piles injected so they may just do that for you.

09-12-09, 00:27
Did you have a lot of bleeding?

Also what do you mean by they injected piles?

09-12-09, 11:40
Hi alix762, sorry to know of your situation, I can fully understand how you feel.
Can I ask beofre this started did you have any anxiety issues ?
I have found that having (GAD) generalised anxiety disorder had made me much more concerned and anxious about having a Colonoscopy eevn though I knew sedation was on offer.
I have been fortunate enough ot have been able to express my concerns / feelings etc with my consultant.
So I would certainly contact your consultant and discuss things with them, they are quite understanding.
Lucky for me due to my other health problems and being on Warfarin my consultant is now looking at other options for looking inside the colon.

All the best and try not to worry about it, and DON'T research the procedure cuase that can make us more anxious.

09-12-09, 12:30
Yes a lot of bleeding - it was literally running out of me when I went to the loo!

They inject the piles to reduce them and hopefully make them go away