View Full Version : Whats the best medication for health anxiety ? x

sarah jayne
09-12-09, 09:55
Hi i suffer from health anxiety and i cant cope anymore. Im constantly ill so im constantly worried that its something bad. Im not on any medication for anxiety but i feel i need to be as i cant carry on like this anymore. Im just wondering what medications people have tried and if they have worked. Im willing to try anything as im fed up with worrying about dying all the time, i just want to feel normal again :weep:

09-12-09, 10:22
Hi Sarah,

I am on week 5 of prozac and have just finished 5 psychotherapy sessions - I feel SO much better, I was where you are 5 or so weeks ago, its a horrible feeling. I have also had a reiki session and have one booked for next week... cant wait!! It was such a lovely experience and have felt SO much better since! I also have a positive thinking handout that the lovely reiki lady gave me and I read that each night before I go to bed as 'YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK!'

I have found that being proactive about getting myself better has been the key to getting myself on the road to recovery.

Hope you can take something from this

lots of love xx