View Full Version : palps

09-12-09, 10:12
hi anyone get these horrible palpitations when trying to sleep takes ages to get to sleep .:shades:

09-12-09, 12:21
yes, yes, and yes .. read my thread for a full description
always at night, never EVER during the day or whilst excercising (spelling? mind gone blank!) which is why ive not been reassured by my normal ecg as performed during the day!
waiting for blood test results, should know tomorrow
from my ongoing research night palps, kind of point towards stress and anxiety - but guess its always best to get them checked out :)

09-12-09, 22:02
thanks for reply there so annoying kepp me awake at night. let me know how you get on :)

09-12-09, 23:43
Yes I also suffer bad bad Palps night and day that alone brings on panic, but I am learning new breathing exercises and it does help I have had every test there is The results are Mitro Valve Prolapse but with living healthy trying,HA!HA! it is managable.Good luck