View Full Version : Just Arrived!

09-12-09, 11:54
Hi folks!

Got tipped about this place by a friend of mine, and though I could give it a shoot!
I've just been diagnosed Bipolar disorder, and it's nice to finally be able to have a reason for all the depression times, and the manic times as well.
I've been somewhat aware that this was the case before as well, but now it's printed in ink and I can start working more activly to make each day a better place to live in.

I got two daughters in the ages 3 and 5, and I must admit that there are hard times, but it's all worth it in the end, they have really been a big support and a anchor to hold on to in hard times.

Right now I'm home at the days, waiting to get into some sort of rehab for my disorder and working on getting into some sort of occupation.
At my freetime I enjoy working with art, music and sometimes gamedevelopment.
This is hard though, easily starting grandiose projects that never gets to see the light of day in the end! Got a lot of unfinished stuff all over the place and it would be nice to learn to controll this and be able to get something comprehenseble out once in a while.
The art part is the side where things usualy gets done all the way, a painting being in production only during a couple of days, so this timespan is more easily controlled.

I've been very much isolated lately and hope to work on my socialization here on the forums, cuz I really need to push myself on this part, not getting any support at the moment and waiting for the rehab which seams to be takin' quite some while to get into action.

I guess that has to do it for a introduction on my behalf! Hope to have a great time here! :)

09-12-09, 11:56
Hi Sawtan

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-12-09, 12:24
Hello Sawtan,

I am new here today also, let us hold hands and start our journey of recovery.

09-12-09, 12:48
Hi there Bitternegirl!

Sounds like a good idea! Need to get recovered for me kids! I really want to give them a good upbringin and not have to worry about economics and stuff like that all the time.

09-12-09, 18:54
Hi again Sawtan, hang on in there, this sounds like a good place for support and advice. I am still reading all the helpful information.

09-12-09, 19:46
Hello Sawtan,

Welcome to this site! You'll get lots of support from people on here who are feeling or have felt like you do. You are not alone.

13-06-10, 12:54
hi sawtan,
i am also new here and suffer with bipolar disorder.
i have a daughter who is 7 years old.
i'm on medication now and feeling much better, i still go down and then i get somewhat manic but with the help of my doctor and my meds, cause the dosage changes all the time depending on highs and lows, well it is somewhat better.
it's all in the chemistry and wanting to feel and be better.
wish u all the best :)