View Full Version : GAD

09-12-09, 12:00
I know this maybe a daft question but the tern generalised anxiety disorder, does that basically mean it encompasses the whole spectrum of anxiety issues ? for instance if you've got GAD and say your worry about your health alot it doesn;t mean you have HA aswell if that make sense.

09-12-09, 18:15
I asked my therapist the same question as I have have health anxiety along with many other types of anxiety. She said that GAD encompasses all anxiety, whether it be health, paying bills, meeting deadlines, or even speaking in public. Social anxiety, health anxiety and even phobias are all under the umbrella of GAD. Normal people worry about all these things too just not at the magnitude that we do.

If I try and start diagnosing myself with all these other anxieties than it makes it harder for me to concentrate on what it is that is really bothering me. Many things make me anxious, it depends on what my obsessive worry is at that time and if it is health than health anxiety, a subcomponent of GAD, comes out and so on.

I am beginning to journal what my thoughts are previous to an anxiety attack to help myself and therapist to get a pinpoint of what seems to be the top subject of my anxiety. It will help me to get a better understanding for me to see where the largest area of help is needed. Hopefully, slowly plucking through each anxiety will help me to better manage my emotions.

I have accepted, however, that I will never be totally free of GAD, but I can learn to live with it and manage so it doesn't control me or my life.