View Full Version : CBT

09-12-09, 12:06
Hi I have been put my primary care CBT waiting list.
I have been told that CBT doesn't focus on the past but rather the present time etc.
Most of my issues stem from my past, so is CBT going to be of help ?
My Psyc has requested my GP to ween me off Mirtazapine in the meantime cause she thinks CBT is appropriate...but I don't see how.
Would it be rude if I expressed to my GP that I feel that maybe another type of antidepressant may be more appropriate such as an SSRI I have both GAD & Painc Disorder.
I am just a tad worried as I have been on Mirtazapine for some years now.

Davey Boy
09-12-09, 14:46
I'm surprised you are being weened off an antidepressant that you have been on a long time, just before starting CBT. I would have thought it would be far more sensible to stay on Mirtazapine, and then ween off when things improve.

Do you find Mirtazapine helps? I am on it too, and I find it lifts my mood a bit and also reduces a number of anxiety symptoms such as sweating and waking early. I think it's one of the "nicer" medications out there for anxiety actually, as the side effects are very tolerable.

In terms of CBT, I wouldn't worry too much that it can't tackle problems from your past. It is likely that your thought processes now are distorted based on past events, and whilst CBT won't necessarily look to investigate those past events, it will act on the faulty thinking patterns now, and so have the same effect.

09-12-09, 14:55
No Davey Boy at present certainly I don't feel the Mirtazapine is being as effective as it has been before now!

Davey Boy
09-12-09, 16:28
Well then maybe another AD could help. Having said that, I have not had any benefit from anything other than Mirtazapine.

Out of interest, I don't suppose you found Mirtazapine became less effective when it went generic about a year ago did you? I know they say there is no difference, but personally I felt that there was a huge change when I swapped from Zispin to a generic brand.

09-12-09, 17:42
Hi there,

from my experience and and having done a counselling skills course, at the beginning of CBT you will get to discuss what your problems are so you can explain to the therapist that you feel they stem from your past. Then you'll talk about how to change the way you feel about things and behave.

I hope this helps.

09-12-09, 17:44
Actually yes that time scale fits as I have had more anxieties etc only within the year well giva & take a month or two.