View Full Version : Im new to this

09-12-09, 14:04
Hi All,

I am a 26 year old female suffering from severe panic attacks and anxiety, i feel very worried all the time and constantly dizzy and tired, im worried that i will pass this on to my little boy. Has anyone else got these symptoms? please help xx

09-12-09, 14:07
Hi becci05

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-12-09, 14:31
Hello becci. There are many of us on this site who feel just as you do. There's lots of information to help you on here and you'll soon make friends. Post away if you have any questions or just need a hug. :hugs:

09-12-09, 15:01
:welcome: yes i also get that aswell !! i suffer from anxiety but its only been a month ive had it for i can control it .. what i do is just keep my self busy and not think about it !! and it works !!!!! am also a mother of 3 !! message me anytime were all here to help eachother !!:hugs:

09-12-09, 15:04
Hi Becci,

Yes its normal!! I am a mother of three wonderful children, who think i'm just daft!!
Lots of help on here and the site is brilliant if you need help. :)

09-12-09, 16:20
Hello Becci, yes those are also my symptoms. I think we have arrived at the right place on the same day.