View Full Version : Liver function panic!

09-12-09, 15:51
Just got over my panic about blood in urine, which turned out to be nothing, the worry of which left me with gastritis, or so I thought.
Now I have the rest of my medical results back and the blood test shows that I have an elevated level of alt 49ui/l and cgt 38u/l. However my bad cholesterol is normal and my good cholesterol is a little low.
I have done my usual thing of searching the net and have now got myself into a right tizzy, thinking that I have got liver disease, am going to die....I'm worried that the acid indigestion that I thought I had due to worry is now not related to that at all and is related to serious liver problems. Just as I was beginning to calm down, I am back to square one!:weep:
I am going to the doctor next week but I am so scared to see what he is going to say. About 3 years ago I was diagnosed with a slight fatty liver and I am overweight.
I just feel so helpless at the moment, I have 4 little children who need me and am struggling to keep it together, all I want to do is cry....

09-12-09, 16:08
your liver can eleated blood count,,then next time you have test it can be back to normal ,i am sure you will be ok.docter will put you on a diet so dont worry i had it because my tyroid gland wasnt working properly but it went back to normal next blood test stay calm i was nurse 15 years xx

09-12-09, 16:40
hi i know its hard but try not to worry to much my liver results have been very bad the past year due to what alcohol i was drinking,the liver is the only organ that can repair itself and mine is much better now as gypsy woman said next time you have blood done it will probably be normal

16-12-09, 20:55
Hello thank you for your kind support gypsywomen and amandaj. Just wanted to update you, I went to the doctor who read my results and said everything is fine. If I had liver problems, the results would be way into the 100s. He said that my weight was causing the slightly abnormal results and that if I could lose some, they would almost certainly go back to normal. :yahoo:I have a normal cholesterol and my heart trace was fine, as was everything else. So my New Years Resolution is to lose weight, easier said than done. :blush: I can't tell you how relieved I am I started crying in the doctor's, thankfully my husband was with me, and he knows what a wally I am so that was ok!!! Thank you so much again and I hope you have a lovely Christmas if I don't speak to you again before.x