View Full Version : Chest Pain

09-12-09, 16:55
I have had something on my mind today, and would like others opnion on this. Basically as an anxiety sufferer I think if it was not for the chest pains then i would be possilby 70% on my way to full recovery. Other people might be the same if it was not of rthe headaches, just wondered what peoples views are on this.

09-12-09, 17:02
we all have something that triggers anxiety ,, so yes without these worries we would be ok

sarah jayne
09-12-09, 19:53
Im exactly the same. My anxiety started when i started getting chest pains nearly 3 years ago. I think that if i didnt get them i would be fine x

10-12-09, 13:57
I think that if my left arm didn't always hurt and I wasn't aware of changes in my heartbeat that it would be much easier to recover.

10-12-09, 16:15
Thanks for the replies, the reason that I started the post is that I am currently going through CBT sessions and most of my negative thoughts are coming from the physical symptoms i get when anxious. I am thinking to asking about any possilbe medication out there of which can ease these symptoms, hence speeding up my recovery.