View Full Version : anyone else

happy happy ron
09-12-09, 17:00
hi all, been to see dr today, been on 20mg cit for 4 week, but since started taking it the dizziness ive had for 7 years has week by week been getting worse with other symptoms such as aching head, sore eyes, pulses and throbbing in my head, and others. the dr doesnt seem to think these are side effects of the cit but after reading posts on here they seem awfully familiar to what others are getting. the dr gave me 2 choices, either to up the cit and see if things get worse or to lower the dose and see if things improve, so i chose the lower the dose option and hopefully mainly the dizziness will improve. is there anyone else out there will a similar story or side effects, i just hope ive made the right decision, thanks

09-12-09, 17:46
to be honest ron i still havnt been able to take 20mg after 3 months i have stuck to 15mg and feel fine on them now although i did feel rough for the first 3 to 4 weeks. I find 20mg give me all the side effects that you mention

happy happy ron
10-12-09, 14:54
thanks for your reply, sometimes i swear the dr's dont realise the side effects people get. my dr talks about upping and downing the dose without a mere mention of side effects and when i say to him i think they are making my dizziness worse he just says it cant be because i had it before i started taking them.:ohmy::ohmy:

10-12-09, 16:32
Sometimes the only to find out is try it Ron..The antidepressants do make symptoms worse before they get better .I was very dizzy on 40mg and it didnt settle even when i had been on them for 2 months .So I went down to 35mg and its much better exept when I wake up ,then I feel drugged ,but it does pass after a while ..Sue x