View Full Version : I need to ask a serious question!

09-12-09, 18:20

I'm not saying that other questions aren't serious, by the way, but am very worried about something.

For those who suffer with depression as well as anxiety. Do you have say depression for a few hours where you cry a lot, then all of a sudden feel anxious, heart racing, breathless etc? Like it changes very quickly. Then back again when the anxiety has gone down? It just seems to me that I am one thing or the other, never any peace. When I'm depressed, I'm sobbing my heart out and wonder why I'm here at that it's not worth it, then the anxiety will come, and I start panicking like mad. Please let me know if you get this cause I'm worried that I have a personality disorder on top of everything else?

Also anyone who doesn't work because of their illness, do you just want to stay in bed when you feel depressed, just can't be bothered to get up?

Thanks in advance for the replies.


09-12-09, 18:28
yea when i had anxiety and depression that was out of control i felt like i was on a roller coaster. One minute id be crying then laughing and a bit high really and then the panic would come. At one point i thought i had bio polar or totally loosing my mind but doc said it was normal for this condition and yes i couldnt be bothered to get dressed or get up half the time. I had some time of work when i was like that but now im on the meds im back at work and doing fine.I hope you feel better soon

09-12-09, 19:19
No, I have the same, long periods of anxiety alternating with depression. If I get the full-blown depression (what I think of as a nervous breakdown), then I can't do anything at all. I have never been diagnosed as having a personality disorder.

Hope this helps.

09-12-09, 19:59
I have this as well. Only my pattern seems a little different. I start with the anxiety and finally explode into sobs and great depression. My mind starts racing with all the catastrophic "what ifs" or the never ending ... "what if this never gets better". Then when I've worked through all the possible scenarios of my future crippled with anxiety the full force of depression envelops me and drags me to the ground.

I don't want to get out of bad- I sob looking at my cat because I feel like I am giving her a bad life. I feel horrible about my little dog who could have had a fun life with someone else and so on .

It is a terrible cycle and I hate it !

10-12-09, 09:22
Hi Els
Like you I have periods of both anxiety and depression.
I start the low and lacking motivation, but if I just sit around the anxiety creeps in and tends to increase through the day.

I don't think it's a personality disorder..... I think that's the depression talking.
Cheers :)

10-12-09, 20:42
Thank you for your replies. I am reassured now that it isn't just me:blush::blush::blush:


10-12-09, 20:51
Dear Els I used to get wide mood swings and deep depression. My anxiety was more like agitaton. I am less agitated these days. The lithium that I am on certainly helps. There are situations that can make me feel extremely anxious. I hope you feel better soon.

10-12-09, 21:14
Hi Els
I know how you feel,but i can tell you it is only depression nothing more nothing less it creeps in when you least expect it.You must try and keep yourself busy. I know its a battle but you must try.I have days where I just could,nt be bothered even bathing or answering the phone I don,t eat or sleep.I just want out.But I keep on going because i know i will find the answer to all of this anxiety and panic one day.JUST keep BUSY.Love Ronny

10-12-09, 21:41
It isn't just you. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for 21 years. And my depression does tend to be bipolar. So I will be laughing and running around one minute, crying and hiding in a corner the next, then have the most awful, fear, stress, anxiety.....
You are not alone in this.