View Full Version : Anxious about Lookingforanswers

09-12-09, 18:22
Lookingforanswers I am anxious about you!:) Where are you my American friend, I am the only one that seems to be here from the States! Don't leave me here alone! I hope you are ok with the storm that came through Colorado. We are missing you

09-12-09, 18:49

You are not the only one from the states lol. 2 of the NMP admins are from the USA too.

Hope Michael is ok though.

09-12-09, 18:52
Thanks Nicola! That makes me feel a bit better that I am not the only Yankee here :) Starting to feel something is wrong with me over here across the pond. Thanks again!

09-12-09, 19:21
So Mya if your a Yankee, does that make me a Doodle ? lol

09-12-09, 19:40
Ha Ha! Cute one Toby! Well I guess it could very well make you a doodle. We make a good pair then! I just think the other Americans are being a bit shy on here :)

09-12-09, 19:48
Ha Ha Mya well your the Yankee, I'm the Doodle or we need now is a Dandy!

09-12-09, 22:18
We need a very special person to be the Dandy. I see your Birthday is the same as my hubby's! That makes you even more special to be the doodle :)

16-12-09, 01:43
Hi everybody.. Sorry if I worried anyone .. didn't mean to.. We have had major computer problems.. Not on my end but a well known satellite provider is having issues on the old ku bands on a leased satellite.. Im in the process of upgrading to their own personal satellite and dedicated use..I sure didn't mean to worry anyone.. Also the wife has been slaving over the stove to get ready to ship a bunch or 12 dozen large candies to our five children..I have taken over cooking duties as well. Its been a hectic time for us but im back and thanks for everyone that was concerned ..Once again sorry to worry anyone but its nice to know someone cares..Michael

16-12-09, 02:38
Glad to see you here again Michael:D:D And glad you are are ok. Gonna send me some candy? LOL:winks::blush:


16-12-09, 03:16
lol.. I think my wife is going into business lol I gave her my mothers recipe for cajun pralines..its the original french family receipes they brought over from France and Canada into south Louisiana in the 1600's..

I wish I could send all of you some.They are really great. We have given some to our neighbors and friends and everyone keeps asking us to make and sell them lol.. I can post the recipe if anyone is interested..It takes a bit of time to make a batch but they are worth the trouble. My mother made them for me as a child on special occasions and now my wife is.. Ummm gotta go get a praline lol.. Talk to you later.. and thanks for checking in with me.. Michael

16-12-09, 15:56
I'm a Yankee as well. Don't feel alone! Haha