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View Full Version : Health anxiety sufferer, new on here

09-12-09, 18:30

I have been suffering with extreme health anxiety and panic for nearly ten years. I also live life in fear of all sorts but mainly health. I stand in the playground waiting for my youngest and worry daily that I am going to pass out!!!

I am a single parent with a 15 year old son and a 4 year old daughter, so everyday has a full range of drama! :ohmy:

I started 20mg of citalopram and 80 mg propanalol two days ago and I am struggling with headaches (I do usually get one/two a month) now head is banging all day! Have to say though that the beta blocker has stopped the horrible heart racing and palpitations, which is a welcome relief.

I am thinking positively for the future and that an end might be in sight that will save me from endless stress and medical book researching. Along with the continual belief that all doctors have no idea and I am actually suffering a heart attack, brain tumour etc and they don't know what they are talking about.:yesyes: at times I am terrible and can break down in floods.

My mum and sister lose patience with my situation and think I can just stop thinking these things!! If only it was that easy to switch off the thoughts that race at a million miles an hour in my head. I don't like to keep off loading on my friends, they are great and very supportive but who wants to hear my endless worries.

I would love to hear from fellow sufferers and hope we can all support each other through our depression and anxiety.

Talk soon I hope. :)

09-12-09, 18:34
Hi stacy1912

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-12-09, 19:48
Hello Stacey,

Welcome!! You get lots of support and advice from people here who are going through or have gone through how you are feeling. You are not alone and there will be light at the end of the tunnel!!

09-12-09, 19:54
Hi there Stacy,

I'm new here as well, and also have health anxiety, but it only came on recently.

I started taking 10mg of citalopram about two weeks ago. I didn't really get the headaches, but for the first week felt absolutely exhausted and was constantly yawning. I am getting over the side effects though, so keep at it and you will get better.

09-12-09, 21:39
Hi Stacy,
Welcome to the site, it has helped me alot with my anxiety (mainly health!!), i hope you find it just as helpful and supportive.

Debs x