View Full Version : Freaky feet...

09-12-09, 18:55
Hi everyone,

I know there are lots of threads on here about weird feet but I wanted to share mine. My HA seems to bring a lot of attention to my feet, especially my right one. When this all started for me, I was getting lots of strange tingly sensations in it (only right). This seemed to die away of its own accord. My biggest fixation for those who haven't come across me yet is MS.

I was doing really well with my HA and general anxiety too. Discussed increasing my hours at work, have seen neurologist who doesn't seem concerned but is sending me for MRI 'for reassurance' (his words) and was ticking along quite nicely. At the weekend BAM, it all comes back (trouble with bowel movements and bleeding which I've had in the past but am going to see GP about cos it's not nice and recurring)...then find out that I can't gradually increase my hours at work as I didn't decrease them for health reasons (my manager went about it in another way so I didn't have to declare anxiety at that stage) so I've got to revert to full time from January. This is ultimately what I want (can't afford not to long term) but I wanted to test myself to make sure I could cope. So now I'm freaking out that perhaps I can't cope...which in turn makes me feel pathetic that a 27yr old can't cope in the adult world, doing a relatively simple job.

Oh, also, for the first time in my life, I had someone complain about me at work. They completely blew out of proportion the contents of a letter to them, which I had smoothed over in a phonecall. A letter's arrived for me, and the principal (I work at a College) has been CC'ed into it. Grrrrr...

Please help my freakiness...!:wacko: I would especially welcome comments on the whole 'feet' thing. Do you think it's possible to bring on symptoms of a condition you're fixated on? Like me with my MS fixation?

Thanks all x