View Full Version : high bp and scared!

09-12-09, 20:03
I went to see a nurse today and was anxious before I even saw her then she takes my b.p and I just panic and my b.p was 140/115 so I got in such a state. can panic raise it that much? it went down to 140/95 when I relaxed slightly. am in such a panic now and scared. please help someone

09-12-09, 20:27
i was a nurse and the answer is yes don't be afraid your heart is OK or it wouldn't have gone down again to near normal ,,yes when we are in a state of high anxiety bp can go through the roof but the important thing is it goes down when panic over hope this helps

09-12-09, 20:34
aww thank you so much gypsywomen feel better now. am home now trying to relax and stop worrying. x

09-12-09, 20:36
yu will be ok glad your relaxing you will be fine xx

09-12-09, 20:59
I went to my gynecologist recently for a procedure and mine was 150/100. It goes this high almost everytime I'm at the doctors. I take it at home and it is usually under 120/80.

09-12-09, 21:18
I'm the same now any doctors appointment and they bring that b.p machine near me I panic and it shots up. Awful! Thanks for your replies guys it does help and is very kind of you. X

margaret jones
09-12-09, 21:32
I have exactlythe same it is (called White Coat Syndrome )See a dr and up it goes i try not to stress but like you i stress in the waiting room i wore a monitor for 24hrs and it was ok in dfact a little low at times I reading was high and at that time i was stressing so there you go stress up BP UP