View Full Version : eyes/head - really scared

09-12-09, 22:59
Hi, today my eye's have been feeling really tense and strained and now i'm getting a headache and weird head sensations as well as dizziness and light headedness and i'm really freaking out it might be a brain tumour. any ideas? i'm really scared.

Please reply
Love Louise XXxx

10-12-09, 00:03
Hey Louise,

Don't worry, I have felt the same way today and have done other days too.. my doc and other docs have told me it isn't a brain tumour as I would be having other symptoms too like losing weight and vomiting etc etc. Everytime I get a pain in my head I automatically think its something serious, its really scary, but I just tell myself the likelihood of that is so so slim and I guess I need to believe what the docs say.

Hope you're ok :hugs:

10-12-09, 12:41
Hiya, I am having this too, maybe its another symptom of anxiety? xxx

10-12-09, 12:57
Just to let you know headaches can definitely be caused by anxiety and worrying, not to mention a million other things. I had a 6-week headache, all tests done, came back negative. Come to find out tension and health anxiety were causing me to tense up, particularly in my jaw/teeth. I grind occasionally at night, but I was also clenching my jaw almost all day. When I figured out I was clenching, I repeatedly told myself to stop. I went from a constant daily headache to nothing in 2 days. I've been headache free for a month now. It's amazing how much worse worrying can make you feel.

10-12-09, 13:44
Sounds like a classic tension headache to me! I often find that I am unconsciously scrunching my shoulders up and clenching my teeth, which often results in a headache. Concentrating on relaxing your head and shoulder muscles can help a lot. I also find that massaging my head or sometimes lightly pulling my hair helps with some headaches. Wierd but true--I guess it stimulates blood flow to the area?