View Full Version : BLIP again! go away please..............

10-12-09, 01:05

As you can probably tell from the title of my thread I am having a 'blip'. Been on citalopram 30mg since last January. Got married in September and have been great since. No blips at all. Found out I am pregnant last week and could be losing it but have to go for a scan next monday. Also trying to get my younger brother off heroin last week. He went back on it as he and his girlfriend were due a baby in January but the baby was stillborn 3 weeks ago. So he took that evil drug again. He is off it now but was taking it for 3 weeks. He looked like death. Now he is healthy again and promises to stay off it. I thought I was coping fine with the loss of my nephew and his burial, my brother back on that evil drug and finding out Im pregnant and might be losing it. But I could feel myself slipping back into the doom and gloom and anxiety for the last 2 days but I kept pushing it away. But today it finally captured me and I havent stopped crying all day long. My husband is good but he doesnt really 'get me' as he has never suffered with anxiety/depression. But my mother is great and she came in and I felt my spirits rise a little after being with her. So here I lie in bed listening to my 7 year old son sleep peacefully and hoping that tomorrow this blip will be over. I hate hate hate them. They make me feel low, worthless, wanting to disappear off the face of the earth, sad, meloncholy, and the anxiety is horrendous. I just 'fear' everything when I am going through a blip. The minutes are like hours, I am constantly clock watching, I hate the thoughts of a new day, I let my mind race into the future days ahead and am filled with fear. But I know I just gotta 'go with the flow' that is the advice I give my mother when she has a blip and she also gave me that advice tonight. Great to get it all down here though as it is a form of therapy for me xxx:weep:

10-12-09, 13:26
What you are going through Asha is a normal reaction to a terrible set of events .Im so sorry you have all these problems to deal with and my heart goes out to you .:hugs:Any one who didnt normally suffer with depression and anxiety would find themselves unable to feel they could cope ..I have always told myself when times get bad ,that it all passes ,and we just find a way of moving on ..When we have periods of one thing happening after another ,it creates a state of mind that is just full of negativity and a feeling of despair ..I hope your scan gives you some good news ,will be thinking of you ..Hope you start to feel better soon .Luv Sue :hugs::hugs:xxx

mum to three
10-12-09, 19:23
Hi Asha
I am so sorry to hear what you have been through, i also lost my niece in September, she was stillborn at 41 wks and i was absolutely devastated, i was with my sister throughout the pregnancy, labour and delivery so it really did have a massive impact on me, i have also lost 2 grandparents this year so it has been a struggle, but thankfully as time has passed im getting stronger and more optimistic about the future, although it will not feel it at the moment you will get through this, keep posting on here if you feel it helps as there is great people on here who fully understand what you are going through, stay strong, things WILL get better and i hope and pray your scan is fine, take care xx :hugs:

11-12-09, 00:24
Thank you so much suzy-sue and mum to three. Today was not as bad as yesterday, well I didnt cry as much. Still down today and anxious but am just going through the motions. My problem is I really feel what people are feeling throughout their problems and I help them during it but then after it I feel all the emotions and have a blip and anxious days. All I can do is hope it passes soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-12-09, 12:15
today is not a good day, I have no energy, am anxious etc............

11-12-09, 13:00
Hi Asha ,It will pass its just all the aftermath and the worry about the scan ,,I always feel absolutely drained when ive had to cope with emotional stuff .It hits you like a train afterwards .Anxiety is so draining .The best thing I found is getting out in the fresh air for an hour or so ,A brisk walk somewhere nice where you can look at things to ease the anxiety ,focus on what you see ,even if its somewhere ordinary .Its just getting the motivation to take the first step outside ,thats always the hardest .If you dont fancy that have a potter in the garden ,its always nice to see the end result .Exercise will lift you mood and redirect the anxiety ..After wards spend half an hour relaxing to your favourite music ,itcan remind you of when things were good and you were feeling in a better place .So dont pick sad songs .. :weep:Hope you have a better w/e ,it all passes in the end ...Luv Sue :hugs::hugs:xxxx

12-12-09, 13:34
Hi Asha ,It will pass its just all the aftermath and the worry about the scan ,,I always feel absolutely drained when ive had to cope with emotional stuff .It hits you like a train afterwards .Anxiety is so draining .The best thing I found is getting out in the fresh air for an hour or so ,A brisk walk somewhere nice where you can look at things to ease the anxiety ,focus on what you see ,even if its somewhere ordinary .Its just getting the motivation to take the first step outside ,thats always the hardest .If you dont fancy that have a potter in the garden ,its always nice to see the end result .Exercise will lift you mood and redirect the anxiety ..After wards spend half an hour relaxing to your favourite music ,itcan remind you of when things were good and you were feeling in a better place .So dont pick sad songs .. :weep:Hope you have a better w/e ,it all passes in the end ...Luv Sue :hugs::hugs:xxxx

Hi Sue. Another awful morning you know that dreaded feeling of doom when you first awaken! Im trying to keep off the couch as I know it is doing me no favours. My husband is away working and will be back Monday so it is just me and my 7 year old son. My parents are only down the road too. You really don't realise how much your message meant to me. I was feeling so anxious and drained and when I read your message saying it would pass it immediately gave me hope. I just want to thank you so much for writing it. I know you understand what it is like to be engulfed in this circle of anxiety. It is so mind numbing and draining and I cannot wait for it to go. Hope you are well too xxxxxxxxx

12-12-09, 23:24
Hi Sue. Another awful morning you know that dreaded feeling of doom when you first awaken! Im trying to keep off the couch as I know it is doing me no favours. My husband is away working and will be back Monday so it is just me and my 7 year old son. My parents are only down the road too. You really don't realise how much your message meant to me. I was feeling so anxious and drained and when I read your message saying it would pass it immediately gave me hope. I just want to thank you so much for writing it. I know you understand what it is like to be engulfed in this circle of anxiety. It is so mind numbing and draining and I cannot wait for it to go. Hope you are well too xxxxxxxxx

Hi Asha ,Awwh bless you ,glad I could help a little ..The mornings are the worst ,feels like everything is crashing in on you .,laying there makes it worse .The sooner you get up and get doing something it doesnt feel so bad ....I hope you managed to get out for a bit today ?Your son must keep you distracted lol and it must be nice to have him around when your hubby is away ?..Keeping occupied even if its having a chat helps to distract you from your thoughts for a while at least .When you consider what youve gone through and still going through its understandable ,you just need time for your nerves to settle down AGAIN .They did before and they will again .All this will seem like a bad dream,JUST WAIT AND SEE .Tommorow is another day closer to being well again ..Sleep well !and try to have a better day tommorow ..Im fine by the way thanks , a bit anxious in the morning s again ,but not too bad ..Its just all the stuff about christmas rushing thru my head ..Normal for me lol , It will pass it always has .Take care .luv Sue xxx:bighug1:

15-12-09, 13:22
:bighug1::hugs:Hope you are ok Asha ? How did the scan go hun ? Thinking of you .Sue :bighug1:

15-12-09, 16:43
:bighug1::hugs:Hope you are ok Asha ? How did the scan go hun ? Thinking of you .Sue :bighug1:

Hi suzy-sue I went for the scan yesterday and guess what - they found a heartbeat! So my baby is alive. It is great news but I have to admit my anxiety has gone through the roof in the past few days. I have been on citalopram 30mg for a year. I have made an appointment with my gp for tomorrow morning. I have to tell her how stressed out I am feeling. I dont know what she is going to say. She may take me off the meds. I dont know how I am going to cope as I feel I need more help now like an increase.

15-12-09, 17:13
OH Asha thats wonderful news ,im so happy for you ..Yes your Dr will prob take you off the Cit ..But all the extra stress is over now and you must think about your baby ..Perhaps she will perscribe something you can take that will help until things settle down .I dont know what they do when women are pregnant ,some drugs are not recommended when pregnant ,but there must be some that are ok ..You will cope regardless ,.Make sure you get plenty of sleep its not only good for baby but will help your nerves ..Once your nerves have calmed down you wont be so anxious ...Let me know what the Dr says ,,Im so pleased everything was ok with the scan :yahoo:Stay positive and dont overdo things ..Hugs Sue x:bighug1::bighug1: