View Full Version : Driving me Insane.

10-12-09, 10:38
Hey Everyone,
This is my first ever post and boy i wish i wasnt here but i am because i feel i have to be.
My anxiety started over my blood pressure i am 22 years old and had an episode of 195/100 in the emergency department it was very scary i felt terrible. I was placed on Metoprolol and now seem to have the bp under control.
However I had an ECG done that showed hypertrophied right atrium and that shocked me alot, but didnt seem to concern the doctor too much. When it comes to my health i am a worrier and i havnt stopped researching for information.
I have experienced over the last fortnight or month these feelings:
Chest Pain
Struggles to catch breath
Pounding Heart
Checking pulse and bp alot
feelings of pressure between eyes
Heart Flutters

These are most of my feelings. But the worst for me who is active is when i exersise i just cant last very long at all anymore, my heart rate increases and it feels as though it is booming out of my chest. I am scheduled to see a cardiologist next month, but i think its just anxiety playing with my mind. The symptoms fit to me.

Hope you guys can add some experiences

Thanks Heaps

10-12-09, 11:19
i havent but wold advice till you see cdardioligist ,just do small workouts

11-12-09, 03:35
Thanks for the reply and your input. Well today i read a few more things on here and thought bugger it, so got on the bike and pushed through the waves of dizziness and heart pounding, and im glad to say im still here and feel so much better for it.

Im still getting the spacey dizzy feeling after my excersise but im glad to say i did it.


11-12-09, 03:40
Hi Rigstar,

Yes anxiety can most definetly cause these same symptoms. When I was experiencing my first panic attacks it was so terrifying and I did not know whether to go to the ER each time because it really feels like you are having a heart attack. I would recommend you try and get your focus off your health for a bit. I know it is hard - I have terrible health anxiety too. But if you can try and get your mind off it, you will begin to notice the symptoms will subside. I don't know how long you have had anxiety, but after a long time of experiencing it, at least for me, I became less afraid of the symptoms. Try not to worry yourself too much. You are young and you don't want to waste your life on this. It is good that you are keeping track of it with your cardiologist. But yes, most definetly anxiety can manifest all the symptoms you have mentioned. Take care and hope you feel better soon

11-12-09, 03:43
Is there a chance that your BP is too low now and causing dizziness?? If you only have white coat hypertension caused by stress and it is normal other times than the meds could bring it too low at times. Did they do a 24 hour BP monitor test to be able to assess how your BP is at all times.
I can relate alot to the BP and pulse checking. I had severe high BP episodes after having my last 2 kids and wound up being admitted for weeks and left on 4 different BP meds. Eventually I came off all of them but it scared me enough that right after I would check my BP 40+ times a day. Then when exercising alot my pulse was in the 40's so that scared me and I started with the pulse checking too. Right now I check my BP once before bed unless I am having a bad day then its many more times. You need to ask to see a cardiologist so they can explain the results to you and will let you know what you can expect etc. But all of your symptoms can also be attributed to stress and anxiety as well. Know you are not alone!!!!!