View Full Version : Feeling weird & weepy

10-12-09, 12:58
Hello Everyone, Just basically after a little reassurance at the mo. I used to get HArather badly, & eventually (after asking) the doc put me on a low dose of Citalopram (10Mg) per day, this seemed to level me out and apart from a few niggles seemed to be coping rather well. Unfortunately around this time started to get lots of migraines, and in july this year doc said that this increase maybe due to the Citalopram (been on it for 8 mths), so gradually reduced the dose, until I was no longer taking it, but have stayed on the Propranolol (prescribed for 10mg 3 x aday).The migraines have certainly improved, but now do not have the crutch of Citalopram have started to feel really low again, aches, pains, light headed, slightly dizzy,IBS back, nausea, bloatedness, and very PMTish.There seems to be no reason for the down turn, as life is pretty good at the mo, but it all seems such a struggle, and cannot understand the mood thing and feeling weepy, as last signs of anything approching a period was 10mths ago. Also feel very tired and at weekends could sleep for England, ( but am aware that this could be an escape mechanism).Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Peace & happiness Maz

10-12-09, 13:51
i personally think its the on set of the Christmas period i did a survey on here and a lot of suffers get anxiety back just now i hope this helps x