View Full Version : Scared I'm going to catch something

10-12-09, 14:18
I have a huge fear of vomiting and a few seconds ago a car pulled up outside my house and a man got out and started being sick very loudly. He's been sick about 4 times. He's now driven off and left it all there. I have to go out in just over an hour an am so scared of walking past it. Scared of seeing it incase it makes me sick and scared of walking past it incase I catch a bug or something from it. So scared now and don't know if I can go out.

Cell block H fan
10-12-09, 14:36
I have a huge fear of vomiting and a few seconds ago a car pulled up outside my house and a man got out and started being sick very loudly. He's been sick about 4 times. He's now driven off and left it all there. I have to go out in just over an hour an am so scared of walking past it. Scared of seeing it incase it makes me sick and scared of walking past it incase I catch a bug or something from it. So scared now and don't know if I can go out.

Oh no, thats horrible! Someone was sick outside my back gate once & left it there. Unfortunately I live next to a pub! Thankfully it rained pretty quick & disappeared. I'm not too sure what the usual thing to do with that. Couldn't you ring the council? I would of thought its there job to clean up outside? x

10-12-09, 14:41
There was a road sweeper on the opposite side of the road when he was being sick but he just carried on walking up the street and left it. Also no rain forecast in the next few days. So scared of going out. How likely is it I will catch something from it?

10-12-09, 15:30
i highly doubt you'll catch anything, if need be try and walk as far away as possible from it.

@cell block H fan: I would say it's very fortunate to live next to a pub :winks:

10-12-09, 16:34
This is a very unfortunate circumstance, an unlucky moment for all involved most of all you with your phobia. I used to have this phobia too and I remember thinking that I'd rather die than be sick!

The weather will take care of it eventually and no you won't catch anything from it, he probably got food posioning on had drunk too much. Honestly I used to be like you, I wouldn't go out for over 20 minutes after eating something cos thats how long it takes to begin digesting but I was wondering if it's not symptomatic of some wider phobia such as going out, what I realise now looking back was that it was the beginning of social anxiety, is it just vomit or is it you not wanting to go out/interact etc?

Nothing bad will come of this as far as you're concerned, it's just gross, thats all. :hugs:

Cell block H fan
10-12-09, 17:25
i highly doubt you'll catch anything, if need be try and walk as far away as possible from it.

@cell block H fan: I would say it's very fortunate to live next to a pub :winks:

LOL Got to admit, it doesn't bother me, & I did used to spend a lot of time in there. Haven't been in there for a year now though. They have Kareoke every thursday, but since ive had the double glazing put in, I dont hardly hear it.
But Cat, its highly likely the guy was hungover, or had eaten something dodgy, & less likely he had a bug, we dont get many of those as adults do we. So I expect its very unlikely you would catch anything, & it sounds gross but you would need to touch it I would of thought?...yuk!
I would of still rung the council & grassed the road sweeper up! If they're not there to tidy up, what are they there for :scared15:

11-12-09, 12:48
Thanks for everyones replies.

I managed to go out and walk past it while looking at the sky for a few seconds and holding my breath lol

Was ok while out but I had to walk past it again in the dark on the way home and since then I have felt really sick. Definately psychosomatic, I keep thinking I'm going to catch something and it's just that thought stuck in my head. God I hate this phobia, just wish I could get it treated but nothing works

11-12-09, 14:04
He could have just eaten something that made him sick, rather than anything catching. My friends hubby is allergic to some food stuffs and accidently ate some in some cake. On his way home from the restaurant he got out of the car and was sick...did this several times. Nothing catching though.

All the same, fancy doing that outside someone's house.

Even if he has some kind of bug, I doubt you would catch it just by walking by his vomit...in fact I would bet any bugs would die off almost right away

16-12-09, 02:44
wow.. that is weird.. Vomit? Hmmm I don't know..I would at least go to the plastic factory and have a bubble made for you lol.. Just kidding.. Listen..I don't mean to make things worse but I would be more worried about breathing the air around you anywhere.. or drinking the water..or eating food out or handling things in a store or even in your own house.. I don't even want to go into the micro organisms that surround you everyday everywhere ,no escape..no where.. Please please live. and let go.. try to do the best you can about avoiding things that are obvious and then try not to think about the things you can't avoid but im sure .. unless you are out putting your hands in the vomit or rolling in it or licking it..You will be fine. Take care. feel better. Michael

16-12-09, 03:24
I can understand where you're coming from. I get paranoid that I'm going to catch something if someone else has a stomach bug. I developed OCD symptoms and suffered panic attacks when my housemates got a stomach bug because I was so scared I'd catch it. I couldn't sleep or eat and was constantly cleaning things and washing my hands.

I also find the only way that I can deal with this is to tell myself that everything's fine, I feel fine. I tell myself this when I'm slumped in the bathroom with waves of nausea, sit there repeating it to myself, "Everything's fine, I feel fine, I feel great". It somehow works, takes my mind off things. No matter how rationally you think "I can't possibly catch what they might have", there's still the voice saying there's this unlikely, but very real, possibility that you could end up catching it.

16-12-09, 03:57
But then again if you are sitting in the bathroom think of all the germs no matter how clean you are.. there are floating in the air around you on the things you sit on ...the soap that you handle .. the door knobs that you touch, the water you drink, the can you drink from ,or glass , or the letter you got in the mail .Just how many people handled that? What about the grass outside like a big germ catcher..the carpet in your home .. another major source of germs, the table you eat off of.The stove you cook on .the sink.> must I go on? Yes always .. try and avoid the obvious, keep yourself clean and do what you must but you can't protect yourself from everything its impossible..Even on the moon there is something that will get you .> Live the best you can,do the best to stay out of the situations where there might be illness or heavy germs but for goodness sakes try to have a life.. Michael