View Full Version : Is there anything else like CBT?

10-12-09, 16:45
My doctor has put me on the waiting list for CBT for panic disorder but in my area the waiting list is over a year, I was wondering is there anything else similar to CBT or something I could try in the meantime?

10-12-09, 16:55
You could try an online CBT course ..Anything else you would have to pay for ...Sue x

10-12-09, 16:57
Oh, ok, I didn't know they did them.
Just out of interest, how much are the options that I'd have to pay for?

10-12-09, 17:27
Hi Idol,

Yes CBT courses under NHS are like gold dust. There is a good online course you may want to look at - moodgym. It is Australian and i as recommended that one by my consultant


10-12-09, 19:23
Great, thanks, I'll take a look at that! :)

15-12-09, 19:48
I recommend the CBT book by Sam Obitz which is really short and focussed on a few key CBT exercises (It costs about $16.00 in the USA including first class shipping www.tao3.com (http://www.tao3.com)). It has an exercise called the TEA form that is really helpful and easy to do when you get the hang of doing them. I still invest a few minutes a day doing them and I have been better for a long time now.:)

Here's a video link I just found also on the TEA forms being used for social anxiety. The guys a beginner so the counter thoughts are not ideal but still worth looking at.


02-06-10, 23:26
FYI- I just found out the video I linked no longer works so don't bother clicking that link. My apologies and not sure why it does not work any longer. Cbt and the TEA forms work wonders though and I still recommend giving them a try:yesyes: