View Full Version : opinions needed please

10-12-09, 16:57
I have posted before about this subject , just need some opinions... four weeks ago i noticed a slight swelling in my neck about 1.5 inches below my ear... doc said it was a swollen lymph node... It went bigger and 2 weeks ago i was prescribed new tablets for anxiety ... when i took the tablets , for some reason i felt more relaxed immediatley , within in 2 days the node started to decrease in size ... it is still there now , but is the size of a pea or small bean ... when i dont fiddle with it it does seem smaller and my skin or muscle seems to close up over it ....I f it was something sinister , would anti anxiety tablets make it shrink within a matter of days... at one point i could touch and feel it immediatley , not i have to prod my finger in my neck to feel it properly .. is this a good sign ?


10-12-09, 17:09
no i think i talked t you before and said dont keep feeling it its a gland that swells i have had one there for 10 years ,i never bother it but if i doit swells

10-12-09, 17:16
just a bit worried as i have to go for blood tests in the morning due to the lymph being raised for four weeks

10-12-09, 17:25
oh i see , i think you wll be ok if its gone down ,, i hope everything ok try to stay calm

Cell block H fan
10-12-09, 17:31
I have posted before about this subject , just need some opinions... four weeks ago i noticed a slight swelling in my neck about 1.5 inches below my ear... doc said it was a swollen lymph node... It went bigger and 2 weeks ago i was prescribed new tablets for anxiety ... when i took the tablets , for some reason i felt more relaxed immediatley , within in 2 days the node started to decrease in size ... it is still there now , but is the size of a pea or small bean ... when i dont fiddle with it it does seem smaller and my skin or muscle seems to close up over it ....I f it was something sinister , would anti anxiety tablets make it shrink within a matter of days... at one point i could touch and feel it immediatley , not i have to prod my finger in my neck to feel it properly .. is this a good sign ?


My son has this, he also has one just above his Adams apple & one right under his chin. But the one near the ear has been there longer. About 3 years now. He's had blood tests (but they didn't do that straight away) they gave him antibiotics, but they didn't make any difference. The tests were all clear. He lives with them now. But he insists on fiddling with the ones under his chin & it drives me mad!
mY mums had one pop up by the ear this week & the doctor said to go back if it gets bigger & they will try antibiotics. But she read an article when she was at the hospital today about her tinitus & it said something about imflamation of the jaw causing sweeling (by the ear) due to teeth grinding in the sleep. She also has pain in her temples when waking, & that can cause ringing in the ear. So I expect there are numerous things that can cause these lumps! x