View Full Version : heartburn or wrose?

10-12-09, 18:26
hiya all

i been having heartburn for about 9 day's. been to see the doctor, he say while he think's it's is also heartburn. but want me to go for a blood test and i said i did'nt want to go for blood test as i panic too much,

witch he say is fine just carry on taking heartburn tablets.

am i worrying over nothing? i been under lots of stress.

thank you

margaret jones
10-12-09, 18:32
Hi Heartburn I hate it Why did he suggest a blood test ?? My Stress certainly increases my heartburn , also certain foods and when i lie down i have put on wieght and my GP told

me that losing wieght will help it ( still not started that elusive diet )

Take Care Margaret

10-12-09, 18:47
he say it could be a virus
if i know you can have heartburn for this long for men.

i not gone to the doctor's lol

10-12-09, 18:54
i just read this

Fecal occult blood tests are commonly done to check for colorectal cancer

oh god now am worried

10-12-09, 19:54
Did he say he was going to give you that specific blood test?

Have you modified your diet to help with the indigestion?

10-12-09, 20:32
Did he say he was going to give you that specific blood test?

Have you modified your diet to help with the indigestion?

no he didnt tell me that it was for that he say he was looking for a virus. he did offer me a blood test after he felt round my stomach and look into my eyes that made me panic

no in fact since i started geting heartburn my diet got wrost

am a 26 year old male and i feel like i got no life

10-12-09, 21:14
ok so it will be a general blood test then.

well your diet needs to improve or the heartburn won't.

Avoid spicey and acidey food. stop alcohol and smoking too

eat plain food and eat regularly

10-12-09, 21:27
thank you
i dont know what to do i confussed and feel sick with worry

i knew this would happen i shouldnt have gone

10-12-09, 21:38

I think your doctor might have taken blood tests to check for helicobactor. Heartburn can be a symptom of this. I had it and had to be treated for it twice. If it's positive you'll get a course of two antibiotics and an acid reducing med. Helicobactor isn't life-threatening!! It's a common tummy bug which can also indicate an ulcer - which is treated with the antibiotics. Please try not to worry. The helicobactor blood test can take over a week for the result to come through.

10-12-09, 22:11
i didnt have the blood test

funny thing tonight been the best night so far dont feel as much pain and wind is coming up with out drinking or eating

10-12-09, 22:58
if you dont want the blood test for h pylori - you can ask for a breath test or a stool sample test instead :-)

11-12-09, 01:20
Hi there -

A fecal occult blood test is actually a test where you give the doctor a stool sample. Not fun, but at least there's no needle! They use it to test for lots of things - infections included.

If the doctor knows you're anxious, they probably ordered it to allay your worries.

Seems the doctor can't win... they try to probe into the issue and you won't let them... they don't probe enough and you panic.

Try not to worry. Many people on here suffer heartburn either constantly, or intermittently. It's almost like an... anxiety badge! An unpleasant one, but a badge nonetheless...

11-12-09, 19:43
Hi there -

A fecal occult blood test is actually a test where you give the doctor a stool sample. Not fun, but at least there's no needle! They use it to test for lots of things - infections included.

If the doctor knows you're anxious, they probably ordered it to allay your worries.

Seems the doctor can't win... they try to probe into the issue and you won't let them... they don't probe enough and you panic.

Try not to worry. Many people on here suffer heartburn either constantly, or intermittently. It's almost like an... anxiety badge! An unpleasant one, but a badge nonetheless...

hiya marley

you right with what you saying i guess i was be silly
so he tell me everything and what the 2 test for

they are full blood count and helicobacter pylori serology