View Full Version : feeling very over emotional

10-12-09, 20:22
I know that for some of us Christmas is a very emotional time. It can set off all sorts of emotions and feelings. I knows that at the moment the least little thing and I'm am in floods of tears. I know that I am overdoing it and Christmas is fast approaching and I need to get a grip. the rotary club have just come come round with the Father Christmas in his sleigh and I'm in floods of tears. We were always allowed to watch this as children and now I'm one very big child. It is tacky. I have been to the psychiarist who wants to up my pills but I don't want to go through a period of adjustment at least not with all the singing/working/cooking I want/need to do. I am also recovering from a cold and am dead tired. One very sad Christmas when my mum was very ill I cooked Christmas dinner for my parents at their house. I liquidised my mums food. She wasn't able to eat hers. By the end of Boxing Day she was in hospital and by the middle of January she had died. I have moved on a long way from this and have a child of my own. Christmas for me puts me in touch with my inner sadness. I'm happy too. I have a lovely son and husband now. Thank you for allowing me to share my sadness with you. Jane.

10-12-09, 20:28
You may be a wife and mother now but you are always somebody's child, no matter how much time passes.

Christmas is always a time of mixed emotions :hugs:

10-12-09, 21:59
Hi Jane,

Christmas is rarely great for me, partly because of a variety of historical sadnesses. This year I can't get into it all, been a terrible year financially and healthwise, and I've been out of it with flu for two weeks so until the last couple of days I've been way behind.

But it's amazing how much I have caught up in two days. You're bound to feel low after your cold but there's still a couple of weeks to go and things will get easier as you get better - remember (and I've been trying to take my own advice here) everything will get done in the end so try not to get too stressed.

I think I've resigned myself to accepting that Christmas is usually a pretty low time for me, humbug. I just try to be as bright as I can for the kids, enjoy what bits of it I can and in the end remember that you always get through it.

You're certainly not alone in the way you are feeling :hugs:

margaret jones
10-12-09, 22:08
Hi Elizabeth Just read your post how true it all is

All i can say is try try and try again to relax and enjoy what bits of xmas you can .

Remember we need to be true to ourselves and care for us sometimes things will still get done .

Take Care Margaret

10-12-09, 22:13

I think Christmas is a very emotional time. It just sort of reaches into your heart!! I've worked in a hospital for over 20 years and the Salvation Army come into the ward to play Christmas carols every year to the patients. It doesn't matter how many times I've heard it I still end up with a huge lump in my throat!! I suppose it's all to do with the fact that from being a child Christmas has a very special place in our hearts. It sort of opens up a whole load of emotions from a family point of view as well - it makes you think of absent relatives and friends and brings home a few worries as well. I hope everyone has as nice a Christmas as they are able to. I know it's a hard time for many.

11-12-09, 10:47
:hugs:i totally relate, my mum also died in january after going from home, to hospital, to hospice the previous november - for many years christmas was just a re-run of those months for me - the memory was with me every year for years - now i feel the same as all of you - its sadness linked to whats lost, both ppl and childhood - the hopes dreams and wishes that dont always come true.

i find it helps to not focus on how christmas 'should' be - really thats all marketing hype to ge tyou to spend lots of money - the kirstie allsop programme that was on this week nearly made me puke - she even admitted she wants ppl to feel envious - stupid woman!!!!(and shes uttelry minted)

there are loads of ppl worse off than us around the world, so if you honour your own sadness, care about the ppl who are suffering with real deprivation or illness all around the world, not to mention all the lonely elderly and try to ignore the bull**** on the telly in form of advertising that shows the 'perfect' christmas - you can get through it - and remember its only one day really these days - everyones back in the shops on boxing day!lol best wishes,emma :hugs:

11-12-09, 15:06
Thanks to everyone for replying. It does help to come on here and for others to put things in perspective for me. My mum spent Christmases helping other people. she used to play the organ at our two churches. We would always be entertaining strangers at our Christmas table. I have helped at our local hospice in the past but my Christmas remains a family one at the moment. If I feel a bit teary at the moment then I know I'm not the only one.

11-12-09, 17:51
Christmas stirs a whole lot of memories for a lot of us .Even the nice ones make me feel sad .Memories of when my children were small and all the things they used to do at christmas time .Christmas films they used to like watching and leaving a drink and mince pie out for Santa on christmas eve, ..These are things that will never happen again but I feel blessed Ive got the memories .I love it when the carol singers come down the road or when your out shopping and they are singing in the town Always makes me sad and I fight back the tears . Christmas to me is making sure everyone has a good time .Its about family and for remembering those we have shared happy times with .Too much emphasiss is down to what you buy nowadays and the meaning of christmas is lost .People racing about feeling stressed and getting into debt isnt what its meant to be about .. Its hard for people at the moment any way and it just adds to the stress with all this tv advertising ...Like Emma says its only one day ..Enjoy it ! Sue xx