View Full Version : Strange Taste in Mouth

10-12-09, 20:23
Hi, I keep getting a really strange taste in my mouth, I dont know how to describe it, but it isnt nice, it seems to coat every bit and my teeth, it will last a few days and then disappear for a while only to come back again.

Please does anyone know what this could be, I am going out of my mind with worry.

Rachel x

11-12-09, 09:54
Hi Rachel

You may be dehydrated - are you drinking enough water? Alternatively, anxiety often makes our stomachs produce more acid, which will give you a nasty taste in the mouth.

You might want to make an appointment with your doctor, who will be able to reassure you.

Cell block H fan
11-12-09, 10:09
Might be worth a trip to the dentist too. You haven't got slightly tender gums as well have you? Could be a bit of Gingivitis (gum disease) I had that before & the taste was awful. A weeks antibiotics & special mouth wash gets rid of it if that is it. x

11-12-09, 10:15
I get a really bad taste in my mouth when my anxiety is really bad, and have been told it is the adrenalin it's kind of like a metally taste.

11-12-09, 13:56
Haven't experienced this myself, but I was just talking to a friend who said she had this taste in experiences when she was very scared like her driving lessons. It could well be anxiety.

15-06-19, 16:27
Haven't experienced this myself, but I was just talking to a friend who said she had this taste in experiences when she was very scared like her driving lessons. It could well be anxiety.

Hi, sice Tuesday I feel my stomach is "working"...my bowel movement is 2x per day in these days (normal is 1x for me) and I feel my tummy....my appetite is a bit lower...my husband has it as well...BUT i have a biiter taste in my mouth....i dont know if it is normal for some stomach infection or for maybe dehydration...this week is 33 C here..i try to drink a lot but...does anybody experience bitetr taste during some stomach bug etc.? Thank you!

15-06-19, 23:06
I get a bad taste in my mouth when I'm anxious. I think it's acid reflux related. My whole mouth feels so grimy.

16-06-19, 07:55
Thank you...now just looking at the med i took..i had 3 pills this week of imodium..which contains loperamid hydrochlorid..known for its bitterness how i knew from the web...so may be this is the cause