View Full Version : Had enough of constant worry about Neuro symptoms

10-12-09, 21:19
Earlier this year I was worrying about floaters, this I thought was ignited by my constant fear of a brain tumour which I've had for a while, then I was worrying a few months later because I suddenly became conscious that I was dropping things.......was I really???.....I don't know, it seems to have subsided. My latest fear has come about because for the past few days I've been getting a vibrating feeling in my foot (heel) - it's not constant but I've seen somewhere that this is often present in MS - now I'm putting all my previous symptoms together and thinking maybe this is my problem.

But then sense kicks in and I have to have acknowledge that I have no preceived muscle weakness and go to the gym, do kickboxing and play golf, my performance in these hobbies has remained consistent and surely if I had a disease of the CNS or Neurological then surely I would not be able to do these things??

I've suffered from HA long term and have had a bad year for it, but it's the nagging doubt that something could actually be wrong that stops me from properly addressing my problem.


11-12-09, 10:27

You definitely need to see your doctor for reassurance. While you are there, you could ask about CBT for your health anxiety.

11-12-09, 13:25
I'm trying to avoid going to the GPs as I always end up feeling embarrassed when I go in with these vague symptoms - I also hate being viewed as a time waster because my long history of HA is known to them.

The buzzing in my heel is not constant and is quite subtle in fact, but I've locked in on it now and can't stop thinking about it , Googling the symptom (which is never good).

CBT is a good suggestion, I tried it years ago and it did help but then lost the skill.

11-12-09, 15:05
I haven't tried CBT, but I've heard positive things about it from people who have. The trouble is though, that although you learn to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, old habits really do die hard. Perhaps you need a "refresher course". :)

11-12-09, 17:41
Hi, buzzing has became an old friend of me in the past year :D it started in my foot and the poor I worried the more it progressed, to my fingers - and even to my butt sometimes! lol.
When it comes on, ignore it the best you can and I bet it subsides quickly. Worrying only causes more trouble, vibrating is very very common in people with health anxiety - almost as common as the good ol' tingles.
This site is wonderful but I think you'll have more luck with this one - www.anxietyzone.com
Alot of people there have the same symptoms and the mods are fabulous helpers!