View Full Version : Getting diagnosed

10-12-09, 21:31
I am going to the doctor tomorrow (if i make it there!), for the first time about my anxiety as i have always been too intimidated by them to share much, as i have had some very patronising ones and they just make me nervous and run away hehe..
I was wondering what i should say? I always forget things whenever i get there and can't sort of express how difficult everything is. I don't go to the doctors so i don't even know what to expect or what help they can provide (part from drugs which i will not go on unless i'm dying hehe) ..
Any suggestions? :)

10-12-09, 21:53
I had the same problem and it took me a couple of different drs to find one who listened. I found the best thing to do was write down exactly how you feel. Tell the dr how difficult you find it to express and you have it written down. A good dr will listen to you and will also look at what you've written.

Good luck!:hugs:

11-12-09, 09:28
I have an appointment to talk to my doctor on the phone today to explain my anxiety symptoms for the first time - Although I'm feeling pretty nervous about the whole thing and keep going over what I should say, at the same time I'm somewhat looking forward to being able to at least talk to a professional about it and hopefully get some feedback.

Anyway, good luck! Hope it goes well.

11-12-09, 09:43
Thanks guys :hugs: I am not managing to leave the house today and can't get a telephone appointment until next wednesday so have rearranged till monday when my partner can take me :) Good luck too :) xx

11-12-09, 12:02
Just spoke to the doctor, and he's asked me to make an appointment to see him next week. I have a feeling he's just going to want to throw some medication my way (which I really don't want!) but at least it's progress.

11-12-09, 20:34
Well done Ikari. They might not give you meds. The dr I spoke to didn't want to give me medication. Tell them that you want somethng else and maybe you could ask for counselling? Good luck x

11-12-09, 22:51
Good luck :-) xx

sarah jayne
12-12-09, 10:41
Im going to my doctor today about my health anxiety as i really cant cope anymore. Im dreading it x

12-12-09, 15:43
When I went to the Dr the first time with my syptoms I wrote them down. She read them then straight away said you have GAD (general anxiety). She prescribed me my first of many meds there and then. Some Dr's know what to look for and mine seemed to see I was anxious straight away.

Good Luck for Monday, I'm sure you'll be fine :)

14-12-09, 14:03
I went to see the doctor.. she printed me out some stuff and told me to ring a number for some nhs psychology thingy, not quite sure hehe! Am just waiting for them to ring back :-) xx

14-12-09, 14:10
Sounds like good news, I hope it's a step in the right direction for you!

14-12-09, 15:11
They want me to do some kind of CBT thing, like exposure therapy, which i agreed to, but now that i think about it i don't think it will happen, i constantly make appointments i cannot keep..eep i can't do it :(

14-12-09, 15:17
I'm sure you can do it... Have faith in yourself, and remember that therapy like that is a great way of overcoming your issues so that you can handle them far more easily. It's the best possible way to get yourself on the road to recovery, so don't let the chance pass you by!

15-12-09, 11:24
I'll try :) Just gota keep my mind on the result rather than getting there hehe..

15-12-09, 19:36
You CAN do it. We'll all do our best to support you :hugs:

15-12-09, 20:26
I had my doctor's appointment late this afternoon - GP was really very understanding and friendly. :) First step for me is a blood test tomorrow morning, and I've also been prescribed some beta blockers as a first step to see if that eases my symptoms for a while until I can get everything straight in my head - He even listened to my pleas not to give me tablets I'd find hard to swallow, so I have some capsules that I find much easier to deal with!

I guess I'm going to be a bit nervy until my blood test is done and the results are in, but it definitely feels like a step forward.