View Full Version : I'd like to recommend a book if that is ok...

19-11-05, 16:02
It's titled "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes. She starts out by saying that the reader will recognize him/herself in the examples. Well, that was a very accurate statement as some of the examples could have been written about me, and they follow with very helpful advice about how to beat the kind of anxiety that is associated with those particular examples.

I've been reading this forum for a few weeks now and have gotten pretty familiar with the different symptoms people on here with anxiety are having. It is all explained in the book in terms that are easy to understand, and why we have those symptoms is also explained, along with how to beat or cope with those symptoms.

I have about 5-6 books on Anxiety, and this one is by far the best. Last night I even slept half the night which is the first time for me in 2 months. Now if I can only survive the UVA-VT game today. GO HOOOOOOOS!!!!!

19-11-05, 16:06
Thanks Clemmons

Its top of our recommended reading list .....and an excellent resource


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
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