View Full Version : heartbeat in ear

11-12-09, 00:36
Does anyone ever hear their hearbeat in their ear? I get this somtimes and its really freaking me out.

11-12-09, 00:59
Yes, always at night when lying down. It is pulse though, not actually a heartbeat noise, though obviously in rhythm. Is yours like a 'whooshing' noise?

Occasionally get it at sometimes during day too, when bending head down etc.

I use to have it 24/7 in one ear. Though it seems to have got a lot better.

11-12-09, 01:04
yep, its like a whoosing noise, i hadn't had it for a while then got it again earlier and obviously started googling and freaking out about it being an aneurysm etc!

11-12-09, 01:18
I get this too. I've had all sorts of tests done but nothing conclusive was found. I've been told that it's connected strongly to migraines, even if you don't get the headache. It's to do with the blood vessels being dilated but nothing serious like an aneurysm, so I wouldn't worry too much. I've got used to it now.

11-12-09, 01:24
Really shut both your eyes tight, can you hear like a crackling noise in the affected ear? Middle ear blockage. It's close to the jugular, so any sort of problem with the middle ear will amplify your pulse.

The trouble with mine is, I keep hearing ectopic beats which make you study them more and not being able to take your mind off hearing them.

11-12-09, 12:31
I have the same problem too when trying to sleep. I get it in my left ear but i usually just turn over to my right side and go to sleep. I wouldnt worry too much about it.

Cell block H fan
11-12-09, 14:02
Does anyone ever hear their hearbeat in their ear? I get this somtimes and its really freaking me out.

Only when I lie down in bed when ive got a Migraine x

11-12-09, 14:06
I get it when lying down a lot - not sure if its in my ear or the sound of my heart ibrating through the matress cos if I lie on my back it goes

11-12-09, 21:51
I get it most of the time infact i have it right now i have gotten so used to it if i don't hear it i panic thinking my heart has stopped beating lol i read once it is connected to stress and anxiety, there is other things like heart problems or high blood pressure but i have had it for as long as i can remember and i'm fine x x

11-12-09, 22:19
I've had this noise lying on my arm through a pillow. I presumed it was the noise of the arteries in my arm transmitted through the pillow.

11-12-09, 22:27
I get it when walking around when its quiet and while trying to sleep so I listen to my Ipod everynight.

12-12-09, 10:20
If I stop and pay attention I can almost always hear a pulse/heartbeat. I've had a lot of minor ear infections in the past couple of years which can make the sound of a pulse much more obvious (because it blocks up your ear). You can get the same effect if you cover your ears with your fingers or put in earplugs. Nothing to worry about!

16-12-09, 02:49
Hi don't want to be taking away from your fear here but read my post for the last four years.. I have heard my pulse and heartbeat just like having a stethoscope on for the last four years.. everyday and everynight..I can hear the exact beat the taking in of blood the putting out of blood the skips the moans the groans the beeps and anything and everything involved with heart action..I hate it ..its about driven me while and even after four years im not comfortable with it. Sometimes its worse than others but if this is something that you have to live with your mind will someday tune it out.. I didn't mean to rain on your parade here but I do understand how you feel.. Good luck and feel better. .Michael

16-12-09, 04:50
thanks for all your replies :) its reassuring when other people suffer from the same thing.:)

19-12-09, 19:44
Hi everyone, I also hear a heartbeat-like, whooshing sound in one ear. There is a name for this: pulsatile tinnitus. Do a search for "whooshers" for more info.

After several doctors visits I discovered that pulsatile tinnitus is just a symptom of an underlying condition... it's not a condition itself. It's important to find the cause, but this can be difficult because it's not common. Not too many doctors are familiar with pulsatile tinnitus and its many causes and possible treatment options. And to make things more complicated, sometimes the cause can not be determined.

I agree with the poster who said that over time you adjust to it better, but I also think it is extremely annoying and can even be debilitating sometimes. Coupled with the anxiety in trying to get medical attention, the whooshing noise was enough to almost make me lose my mind. Finding others with similar symptoms to discuss coping ideas and to compare experiences with treatment has helped me very much.

There is a relatively new online forum for individuals who suffer from this at http://www.whooshers.com so I encourage you to visit. There are links to medical sites with good info and tips from other people who experience this. Good luck.

31-08-10, 18:11
Does anyone ever hear their hearbeat in their ear? I get this somtimes and its really freaking me out.

If you have palpitations, I think you can hear it. And people around you can also hear it.
There is one period(about two years), my heartbeat is very fast. I can hear it when I'm staying still. People around me also hear it. I don't know but my neighbors can also hear it on a silent night.
I'm not kidding, the sound from me is really big.