View Full Version : Do I have a blood clot?

19-11-05, 17:19
Last week I had a tingling sensation in my right foot. It lasted for about 2 days and went away but I am now obsessing over it. I think I may have a blood clot and am constantly checking the color in my feet, checking for any swelling, and checking the pulse in my foot. I don't go back to the doctor for another 3 weeks and I am scared that I will not make it. PLEASE HELP ME! Should I be worried or is my constant worrying and checking my symptoms just making me worse? THANK YOU ALL!

19-11-05, 17:24
*my constant worrying and checking my symptoms just making me worse?*

Yes . Your tingling last week that has vanished means you do not have a clot.

If you did you would be in no doubt at all that you were unwell and it would be much more obvious than a bit of tingling .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-11-05, 17:43
I am the same as you, i think alot that i have a blood clot because i got chest pains and feel out of breath etc, i know it is hard not to worry about these kind of things!

19-11-05, 18:04
I do realise that it sometimes takes a while to dispell any thoughts that we are not seriously ill, whether it be heart problems, blood clots, brain tumas etc.

But it is often a good idea to diarise your feelings and symptoms, and also consider that some aches and pains we suffer from shift from one place to another.

In the past, I have had a pain in my front which has then moved around to my side and then to my back! That kind of movement in the pain demonstrates to me that its just tightening of muscles caused by anxiety. And then it goes from any part of my body!

I think most people with health anxiety have had a pretty thorough check by their doctor already, and so you just have to try and understand, with the help of this site, that what you are suffering from makes sense that it is anxiety and nothing more.

I have also found that the symptoms often change after a change of environment or what we have to think about in our daily lives.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-11-05, 21:44
relax, you dont have a blood clot...... do you have pain, swelling, heat and redness, if you do, you dont mention it,i guess you dont have a clot then, lol.. you have either had simple pins and needles or you have been overbreathing. It is terrible what our minds can do to our body. take care

I just want my life back

19-11-05, 22:22
I have also thoght I have had blood clots in my left leg cuz of the pins and needle feeling as well.
For me sometimes it willl last a few hours but than again I have had it last for a week. But it always goes away....but of course returns, the wonderful people on here have told me I would have pain ( i do sometimes) and my leg would be red and swollen.
I do also at times check my pulse but I have cut down on that.

So what I am trying to say is you would have MORE than pins and needles and it wouldn't go away if it was a clot.
I know what you feeling cuz I a few months back posted that SAME exact post :)

Hang in there
