View Full Version : Not doing well at all :(

11-12-09, 03:10
I am losing it again :weep: Things have been more stressful than usual and I dont know if that is what is triggering everything or if something is actually wrong or what.
I am still terrified of blood clots in my legs because of my surgery 9 weeks ago. I get aches and pains in them and then the muscle twitches started. They are all over my body. That might be from dropping my ativan too quickly though. I measure my legs to make sure they are the same size and ask my husband all the time if they look ok, the same, swollen. I have been taking everything I can that I know thins the blood, aspirin, garlic, grape seed extract, omega 3's, Pycengol, L-carnitine and I am sure there are more but thats just off the top of my head.
Tonight I started getting a sharp stabbing pain in the side of my head. It comes and goes. So I started googling blood clot in the brain. Then I thought it looked as though the veins on the underside of my hand in the fleshy part by your thumb looks protruding and the area almost purplish. That almost sent me to the ER right away. I cant handle the stress of thinking I have a DVT, or that the twitches are something serious. I have been to my doctor. Been to the hospital 2 weeks ago and they did blood tests that showed I didnt have a clot at that time. But I cannot shut this off. Any advice???? I am seriously on the verge of losing it and I dont want to go there again, especially so close to Christmas and with three kids. Please help :weep::weep::weep::weep:

11-12-09, 03:50
Hi Alison,
I am sorry that you are having a hard time. I have terrible health anxiety and it is because my father is a doctor. By the time I could read I was in all his medical books reading about every disease and symptom. You need to stop looking up every single pain that you are feeling. I do not mean to be harsh but if you continue doing this, you are going to spiral out of control. I am telling you this from personal experience. I have not googled any symptom in over a month and it has helped so much. It was hard. I would research something everyday. It sounds like you just had surgery which is stressful enough and it is understandable to have fears of issues arising after. But the doctors have assured you that you do not have a clot. I know it is hard, but you really do need to let go. You should enjoy your family and not waste your time. 95% of what we worry about does not come true. I finally came to the conclusion that I have to just stop the obsession - I could be run over by a bus as soon as I walk out of my house. It is scary not to have control, but you must remain confident that you are ok. I wish you the best

11-12-09, 03:57

Sorry too I did not mention the Ativan. I do not have personal experience with ativan, but my father has talked about having to take patients off this slowly. Is your doctor weening you?

11-12-09, 04:32
Hi Alison
I am sorry to hear you're having a rough time. This time of year is hard enough with all the preparations for Christmas, especially with 3 kids- you certainly have your hands full !
Maybe you should go see your GP with a list of all the blood thinning supplements you are taking- or even go see a Pharmacists at Shopper's Drug Mart. They're usually open 24 hours and they may have some advice or help you with questions for your GP.
I hope you're feeling better soon.

11-12-09, 05:29
Thank you both. With the ativan my doctor told me that because I take Klonopin that I would not experience withdrawal by stopping the ativan right away. But I have been told different by the pharmacist and an ER doc. It is so ridiculous that 9 weeks out from surgery and I am still soooo scared, I had never ever worried about clots before. Now its the last thing I think at bedtime and the first thing I think in the am. No fun at all.

11-12-09, 10:36
Sending you hugs Alison, this time of year is soooo stressful and i know so many people who r struggling in one way or another, my health anxiety has been terrible of late and esp at night time, i just try now to keep busy and not think too much. xxx