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11-12-09, 15:38
I had some info - which I cant find. but thought some of you may like this idea:


11-12-09, 15:48
Dear Typer,

Thank you for sharing this! Yes, smiling and laughter are the best therapy. We get so caught up in our negative thoughts that we almost forget to enjoy the little things that could easily make us smile. It was an interesting article and yes I do believe it could be better than Prozac! Thanks again :)

margaret jones
11-12-09, 15:48
certainly made me smile , i will be trying this out for a few days and report any change in my mood and anxiety

Thank You

11-12-09, 18:15
Nice article, Infact what I am going to start doing and feel free to try too, is as from tonight every night I am going to write out 2 or 3 jokes, then when I wake up in the morning before doing anything else I am going to smile for a few moments then read the jokes and try have a good laugh! Well it's worth a try isn't it ?

11-12-09, 19:57
Yep. It wont cost anything and I agree, anything is worth a try. Maybe you could share those jokes

11-12-09, 20:32
Thanks. I'm gonna try that too