View Full Version : Worry - Health Problem or just anxiety..?

11-12-09, 16:03
Hello I'm Laura and i could really use some advice/help!
I'm 20 years old and after joining this site i have come to the conclusion i think i suffer from derealization /depersonalization. I have had these kind of symptoms since i was about 15 and never knew what it was....i was told i had M.E around the same time so i just put it all down to that.
I have always suffered from headaches also so have just dealt with the fact im a 'headachey' kind of person.
My symptoms have worsened recently and i am very worried there is something medically wrong.
I have begun to feel more tired/lethargic than usual (which i agree could be put down to my M.E as that can sometimes never go away, just resurface).
I have also been having more regular pains in my head - rather than actual lasting headaches its a pain here and there that last a minute or two but i do get them everyday. I'm also feeling quite nauseous. I am very worried i have something wrong like a brain tumor.
I have also been getting pink and needles and weakness quite often as well.

I am getting to the point of being scared of going out places especially on my own as i am scared i will have a panic attack and the feeling of not knowing where i am or feeling real is the most scary thing i have ever encountered. I swear im feeling like this more every day and just try to deal with and tell myself that im ok. I get the feeling of confusion a lot also.

I feel like everything is just getting on top of me and that i am making myself worse by constantly thinkng and worrying about all of this.
I really dont know what to do :(


11-12-09, 19:59
Hi Laura,

Sorry you are feeling so bad. I apologize for my ignorance, but what is M.E.?

I have derealization with my anxiety too. Anxiety can bring many bad symptoms that will make you feel even more scared and unsure, causing ventures out to become difficult. I would schedule an appointment with your doctor to rule out any physical causes as to why you are feeling this way. It doesn't always make the bad thoughts go away but it can ease your mind a bit.

If you are in fact dealing with anxiety, I would highly recommend you see a psychologist. I have battled anxiety and panic attacks for 2 years and just recently began seeking help. I wish I had started sooner when they first appeared so that things did not manifest as much as they are now. I wish you lots of love and support and hope you start to feel better real soon. xxoo